研究中朝关系史很有必要通过中国人民的伟大领袖毛泽东与朝鲜革命的联系,来探讨两国之间的关系。这样不仅有利于正确理解毛泽东思想,而且有利于研究中国近现代史、朝鲜民族史、国际关系史。 1905年11月17日,日本炮制了“乙(?)保护条约”,把朝鲜看成为自己的殖民地,只因朝鲜人民的强烈反对,才在保护的幌子下留有“独立”国家的空壳。1910年8月27日,《日韩合并条约》正式签
To study the history of the relations between China and the DPRK, it is necessary to explore the relations between the two countries through the ties between the great leader of the Chinese people, Mao Tse-tung and the North Korean revolution. This is not only conducive to a correct understanding of Mao Zedong Thought, but also conducive to the study of modern and contemporary Chinese history, national history of North Korea, the history of international relations. On November 17, 1905, Japan concocted the “Treaty of B (?) Protection” and saw North Korea as its own colony. Only because of the strong opposition of the North Koreans left the shell of the “independent” state under the guise of protection . On August 27, 1910, the “Japan-Korea Merger Treaty” was officially signed