在根式化简中,有些题目技巧性很强,需要敏锐的观察力并采用灵活的解题方法。如果我们能注意克服模式解题的影响,对学生加强引导,启发他们对问题作具体分析,从而找出好的解法,将会大大提高他们的解题能力。例1 化简45~(1/2)+18~(1/2)-15~(1/2)/(6-30~(1/2))-80~(1/2)。分析常规的模式是先将其中分式的分母有理化,但仔细观察,就可发现此分式的分子、分母含有公因式,因而可得简便解法;
In the basic Simplification, some topics are very technical, require keen observation and adopt flexible solutions. If we can pay attention to overcoming the influence of the model problem solving, strengthen the guidance of students, and inspire them to make specific analysis of the problems so as to find a good solution, they will greatly improve their ability to solve problems. Example 1 Simplified 45~(1/2)+18~(1/2)-15~(1/2)/(6-30~(1/2))-80~(1/2). The normal mode of analysis is to first rationalize the denominator of the fractional formula. However, by careful observation, it can be found that the numerator and denominator of this fraction contain the common factor, so a simple solution can be obtained;