当前应用较为广泛的EPROM片子是容量为2K的2716。如欲固化的用户程序超过2K,最好采用4K的2732。这是因为两者都是24脚的片子,价格相差不多。但是目前的单板机一般只能对2716编程写入。我们在CMC-80单板机上加装了少量元件,使它具有对2716和2732编程的能力,编程时仍使用原监控程序中的EPPOM编程程序.这个方法也可用于其它型号的单板机。 2716和27232除第18、20、21脚外.其它各脚的功
The currently widely used EPROM film is 2716 with a capacity of 2K. If you want to cure the user program more than 2K, it is best to use 4K 2732. This is because both are 24-foot film, the price is about the same. However, the current single board machine can only be programmed on the 2716. We have added a small number of components to the CMC-80 SBC to make it capable of programming the 2716 and 2732, and still use the EPPOM programming in the original monitor while programming, which can also be used for other types of SBCs. 2716 and 27232 addition to the first 18,20,21 feet outside the other feet of work