中国建筑业协会工程建设质量管理分会第一届理事会常务理事会第二次会议于1996年7月29日在北京召开。参加会议的有各省市和国务院各有关部门常务理事及代表三十余人。中国建筑业协会的领导同志出席会议并讲了话。会议由工程质量管理分会会长杨嗣信同志主持。 这次会议主要是听取和审议副秘书长董光同志代表分会秘书处所作的分会机构设置问题和分会成立以来的工作情况汇报。 会议一致同意工程建设质量管理分会是中国建筑业协会直属专业分会,又是中国质量管理协会的直属团体会员单位,代表建设部系统参加中质协组织的各项业务活动。 会议认为,分会结合自身特点,面向基层,积极为建设系统各企事业单位服务,工作是卓有成效的。主要是:
The second meeting of the Standing Council of the 1st Council of the China Construction Industry Association’s Engineering Construction Quality Management Branch was held on July 29, 1996 in Beijing. There were more than 30 executive directors and representatives from various provinces, municipalities, and relevant departments of the State Council. Leaders of the China Construction Industry Association attended the meeting and delivered speeches. The meeting was chaired by Comrade Yang Yuxin, President of the Engineering Quality Management Branch. The meeting mainly listened to and reviewed the issue of the establishment of the club’s branch organization made by the Deputy Secretary-General Comrade Dong Guang on behalf of the branch secretariat, and the work report since the club was established. The meeting unanimously agreed that the Quality Management Sub-committee for Engineering Construction is a professional sub-committee directly under the China Construction Industry Association. It is also a member unit directly under the China Quality Management Association and represents the Ministry of Construction’s system to participate in various business activities organized by the China Quality Association. The meeting held that the clubs, based on their own characteristics, faced the grass-roots level and actively served the enterprises and institutions in the construction of the system. The work was highly effective. mainly: