抗日战争时期,广东省的东江、海南岛、珠江三角洲和粤中、雷州半岛、潮汕等地区的人民群众,在中国共产党领导下,奋起组织抗日武装,开展游击战争,创建抗日根据地,为我党在华南建立了战略支点。华南的抗日武装是在极端困难的条件下创建起来的。大革命失败以后,广东的党组织大部遭到破坏,除海南岛尚保存三十多人的红军游击队以外,其余地区都没有党所领导的武装。 1938年初,中共广东省委针对日军加强在东南沿海侵略活动的情况,指示各地党组织加紧建立抗日武装的准备工作。中共东莞中心县委根据省委的指示,于1938年7月,以国民党社训总队的名义,组织了东莞常备壮丁队第二中队,这是我党在除海南岛以外的华南地区掌握的第一支抗日武装。1938年10月12日,日军开始进攻广州。东莞中心县委于13日又成立了一支
During the period of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the masses of the people in the Dongjiang, Hainan, Pearl River Delta, Guangdong, Leizhou Peninsula, Chaoshan and other areas of Guangdong Province rose up to organize the anti-Japanese armed forces, launched the guerrilla warfare, established the anti-Japanese base areas, In southern China established a strategic pivot. The anti-Japanese armed forces in southern China were created under extremely difficult conditions. After the defeat of the Great Revolution, most of the Party organizations in Guangdong were destroyed. Apart from the Red Army guerrillas that still retain more than 30 in Hainan Island, the rest of the region did not have the party-led armed forces. At the beginning of 1938, the CPC Guangdong Provincial Party Committee directed the Japanese forces to intensify their aggression in the southeast coast and instructed the party organizations in all regions to step up their preparations for the establishment of the anti-Japanese armed forces. In accordance with instructions of the provincial party committee, the CPC Central Committee of Dongguan City organized the second squadron of Dongguan Standing Brigade Battalion in July 1938 in the name of the Kuomintang Social Welfare Corps, which is the first of our party's possession in southern China except Hainan Island Support Day Armed. On October 12, 1938, the Japanese attacked Guangzhou. Dongguan Central County Party on the 13th also set up a