【摘 要】
In this work,mixing and segregation of binary mixtures involving biomass materials in a fluidized bed was experimentally investigated.A frozen bed method was employed to investigate both axial and radial distribution of biomass particles in silica sand.Th
【机 构】
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering,University of Saskatchewan,Saskatoon,SK S7N 5A9,Ca
In this work,mixing and segregation of binary mixtures involving biomass materials in a fluidized bed was experimentally investigated.A frozen bed method was employed to investigate both axial and radial distribution of biomass particles in silica sand.Three different biomass materials were studied:willow sawdust,pelletized soy and oat hull materials.Biomass loading investigated ranged from 5%to 30%by weight.The extent of mixing for each of the biomass composition was investigated using Lacey\'s mixing index which is based on the standard deviations of the sample at different axial positions in the bed.The radial composition was also investigated by means of digital imaging analysis using a high-resolution digital camera.The experiments revealed the differences in the extent of particle distribution for pelletized biomass materials vs non-densified materials as a result of differences in particle size,density and importantly,the particle shape of the materials utilized.The results showed an increase in the extent of mixing as the fluidizing velocity increased for both pellet materials while the mixing index for sawdust decreased beyond a loading of 20%.With an increase in biomass loading,an increase in mixing index was found for the two pellet materials.A similar trend was observed for sawdust at the lower loading level.However,the mixing index started to decrease at higher loading level beyond 20%.The results greatly contributed to the understanding of the hydrodynamics of binary and multicomponent mixtures involving biomass materials,especially pelletized materials in fluidized beds.
针对民航发动机滑油消耗量受多个飞行阶段的多个参数影响而难以准确预测的问题,提出基于邻域粗糙集(NRS,neighborhood rough set)和卷积神经网络(CNN,convolutional neural network)的模型来预测滑油消耗量.首先,采用NRS方法提取对滑油消耗重要度较高的飞行阶段状态参数作为特征参数;然后,利用CNN对重要度高的飞行阶段状态参数进行深度特征学习,实现滑油消耗量的预测.预测结果表明:CNN能很好地完成对多滑油参数的特征提取,预测结果与实际值的平均绝对误差为0.12
Pharmaceutical co-crystals have been explored by many researchers as a strategy to optimize physic-ochemical properties of solid-state drugs.Their improvements of solubility,bioavailability,and the reduced tendency for phase transformation occurrence,are
5.艺术与生活rn近代设计先驱威廉?莫里斯推崇“生活与艺术的一致”.作为身兼诗人、工艺家和设计师等多重角色的社会主义思想家,他敏锐地意识到,轰轰烈烈的工业革命在推动社会经济的同时,也带来巨大的环境污染和贫富差距问题,更导致人文精神和传统工艺的急剧衰退.他汲取中世纪精神的积极因素,主张复活因产业革命而丧失的艺术精神,在推行大规模标准化机器运作的同时,传承传统工艺,创作对话自然并传递情感的产品—— 通过自然来唤醒麻木的大众,以艺术手段来进行社会改良.