
来源 :吉林政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:LIKE0610
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各市、州、县人民政府,省政府各厅委、各直属机构:《吉林省建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度总体规划》已经省政府第35次常务会议审议通过,现印发给你们,请结合实际,认真贯彻落实。一、各统筹单位要抓紧制定实施方案并认真组织实施,力争年内在全省范围普遍建立起城镇职工基本医疗保险制度。同时,要在以医疗保险制度改革为重点的基础上,认真研究医疗机构改革和药品生产流通体制改革,做到三项改革同步进行,配套推进。二、要认真做好舆论宣传,充分运用报刊、广播、电视等新闻媒体广泛宣传城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的目标、原则和基本政策,使广大职工群众充分了解医疗保险改革面临的形势任务,提高用人单位和个人参加基本医疗保险的积极性和主动性,营造一个广大职工群 All municipalities, prefectures and counties, people’s governments, provincial government departments and commissions, the agencies directly under: “Jilin Province to establish the basic plan of urban workers in the basic medical insurance system,” the provincial government 35th executive meeting reviewed and approved, are issued to you, please combine the actual , Conscientiously implement. First, all co-ordinating units should pay close attention to the formulation of implementation plans and conscientiously organize their implementation so that the basic urban medical insurance system for urban workers will be established throughout the province during the year. At the same time, on the basis of focusing on the reform of the medical insurance system, we must earnestly study the reform of the medical institutions and the reform of the system of production and circulation of pharmaceutical products, so that the three reforms can be carried out in a synchronized manner and supported by them. Second, we must conscientiously do a good job of media publicity, make full use of newspapers, radio, television and other media to widely publicize the objectives, principles and basic policies for the basic medical insurance for urban workers so that the masses of workers and workers fully understand the situation and tasks facing the medical insurance reform and improve Employers and individuals to participate in the basic medical insurance initiative and initiative to create a broad workforce
KPI(Key Performance Indicator)考核法即关键绩效指标考核法,是绩效考核的一种常用方法,有效解决了组织量化员工的难题.组织确定了影响企业绩效的一些关键因素,通过分解关键
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根亲文化、红色文化、旅游文化,是固始地方文化资源的重要组成部分。科学地发掘利用这些文化资源,对于发挥地方文化资源价值与功能,加强中小学生的革命传统教育,增强青少年爱家乡、爱祖国的情感,具有重要的现实意义和深远的历史意义。基于此,我们拟定了利用地方文化资源进行正能量教育的基本原则,以便更好地发挥地方文化资源的强大功能。  一、原则  1、多样性原则。地方文化资源开发的多样性包括资源种类多样性、开发主