围手术期 ( perioperativeperiod)是指病人因需手术治疗住院时起至与这次手术有关的治疗基本结束为止的一段时间。要使病人获得最佳的手术治疗结果 ,完善的围手术期处理起了重要的作用。这其中 ,应用抗菌药物预防围手术期感染是重要的组成内容之一。1 常见
Perioperative period (perioperativeperiod) refers to the patient due to need for surgical treatment from the hospital until the end of the treatment-related treatment until a period of time. To enable patients to obtain the best surgical treatment results, a sound perioperative management played an important role. Among them, the use of antimicrobial agents to prevent perioperative infection is an important part of the composition. 1 common