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本刊编辑部于一九八一年十二月十九月邀请通讯员、作者、读者代表三十余人召开座谈会,共商办刊大计,对编辑部一九八二年工作要点,特别是办刊方针、指导思想,进行了认真的讨论。座谈会自始至终充满着热烈、活跃、融洽的气氛。与会通讯员、作者、读者,发表了许多中肯的意见,提出了许多宝贵的建议,体现了广大语文教师对刊物的热心关怀和支持;表现了通讯员、作者、读者同编辑部的密切合作,编辑部人员从中受到很大的启发和鼓舞。为了更好地为中学语文教学服务,为提高青年的语文水平服务,在一九八二年要努力加强知识性、实用性、资料性;加强对语文教学改革的研究和报道。特别注意反映加强初中语文教学的经验。编辑部人员同通讯员、作者、读者一致认为“以文取文”不“以人取文”是正派的办刊作风,编辑部仍将坚持这种作风,坚决反对哗众取宠,或以各种不正当手段笼络作者、读者的不正之风。本刊编辑部决心在广大通讯员、作者、读者的支持下,提高刊物的质量,使刊物成为青年、学生的好老师,成为语文教师的好朋友。 The editorial department of our magazine invited more than 30 representatives of correspondents, authors and readers to hold symposiums in December, 1981, to discuss the major issues of the editorial department and work on the main points of editorial work in 1982, especially Running guidelines, guiding ideology, conducted a serious discussion. The forum is full of warm, active and harmonious atmosphere throughout. The correspondents, authors and readers of the conference delivered many pertinent comments and put forward many valuable suggestions which reflected the enthusiastic concern and support of the majority of language teachers in their publications. They demonstrated the close cooperation between correspondents, authors and readers and the editorial department. The editorial department The staff were greatly inspired and encouraged. In order to better serve Chinese teaching in secondary schools and to improve the language proficiency of young people, we must strive to strengthen our knowledge, practicality and informational nature in 1982 and strengthen our research and reporting on Chinese teaching reform. Particular attention should be paid to reflecting the experience gained in strengthening Chinese teaching in junior high schools. The editorial staff, together with the correspondents, authors and readers, unanimously held the view that “taking a copy of an article in writing” does not mean “taking a copy of people” is a decent style of running a journalistic work. The editorial department will still adhere to this style of work and will resolutely oppose grandstanding or misrepresentation Means to win the author, the reader’s unhealthy tendencies. Our editorial department is determined to improve the quality of the publications with the support of the majority of correspondents, authors and readers so that the publications become good teachers for young people and students and become good friends for language teachers.
要提高记忆力,应掌握下述十五个要点: 1、要平心静气大脑皮层是我们的记忆器官,当我们的身心处于安静状态时,从外部传来的信息就容易记住。同时,当大脑皮层处于安静状态时,
【内容提要】音乐综合课堂教学中容易出现一些问题:多余的活动、牵强的小组合作、无谓的创新、不同学科资源的错搭等。对上述问题的应对策略:加强对音乐作品的理解能力;让学生学会“听”音乐;让“学科的音乐性”回歸音乐课堂。  【关键词】学科综合课 教学资源 学科的音乐性  新课程中“学科综合”这一说法提出之后,对于各学科的课堂教学起到了一定的作用,但是也带来部分学科课堂性质的消极变化。假如一堂音乐课上只有学
2005年,世界卫生组织西太平洋区(WPRO)提出了2012年实现消除麻疹的目标。日本从2001年开始进行大规模的全国性宣传,提高含麻疹成份疫苗(Measles-containing Vaccine,MCV)第1