
来源 :医疗装备 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luowzh
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医院靠自身积累和多渠道筹资购买医疗设备,从10.9万元猛增到618.9万元。发展为有420张床位的市级二级甲等医院。由于医疗设备的剧增,成立了医疗器械设备科,属职能科室,逐步建立了从管理、计划、论证、审批、采购、供应、保管、会计、计量、维修、档案、信息等一系列系统的管理制度,做到审批有程序,操作有依据,靠制度来约束。对设备重点抓二率(完好率、使用率)。特别提出对大型设备购前论证的重要性。对多渠道筹资购入设备医院必须统一管理,克服单纯的牟利动机,采用经济的、法律的、行政的手段宏观控制运行。同时提出医疗器械尽快立法,以确保使用医疗器械设备的人生安全。由于医疗设备属高科技领域,对现有使用维修人员进行再培训和引进高级工程技术人员是现代设备发展的需要。 The hospitals, relying on their own accumulation and multi-channel financing to purchase medical equipment, surged from RMB 109,000 to RMB 6.189 million. It has developed into a 420-bed municipal Grade A hospital. As a result of the rapid increase in medical equipment, the Medical Device Equipment Division was established, which is a functional department, and gradually established a series of systems from management, planning, demonstration, approval, procurement, supply, storage, accounting, measurement, maintenance, archives, and information. The management system is such that there are procedures for examination and approval, and the operation is based on the system. Focus on the equipment to catch the second rate (good rate, usage rate). In particular, it puts forward the importance of pre-purchase demonstration for large-scale equipment. The multi-channel fund-raising and purchase of equipment hospitals must be managed in a unified manner, overcome the pure motives of profit, and adopt economic, legal, and administrative means to macroscopically control and operate. At the same time, it is proposed that medical devices should be enacted as soon as possible to ensure the safety of life in the use of medical devices. As medical equipment is in the high-tech field, the retraining of existing maintenance personnel and the introduction of advanced engineering and technical personnel are the need for the development of modern equipment.
I Think I Can
我院的ABL—3血气分析仪已服役15年了,每天开机10h以上,现仍在正常运转,这全靠精心保养和及时检修。我们结合实际,总结归纳维修经验,仅供参考。1 例11.1 故障现象二点定标后,