六十多年前,著名的美国舞蹈界老前辈泰德·萧恩(Ted Shawn)著文赞扬说:“在培育艺术经验和从事艺术教育方面,你可以从梅兰芳那里学到一些不可估量的、宝贵的而独特的东西.”当时,梅兰芳还未至不惑之年,正当艺术青春勃发的黄金时期,精力几乎全部倾注于京剧艺术的革新与创造,课徒授艺,涉猎戏曲教育主要还是以后的事.即便如此,泰德·萧恩的评价也是恰如其分的,而且是很有预见的.今天,我们缅怀梅兰芳大师的光辉一生及不朽业绩,愈加发觉他留下的文化遗产和精神财富是多么丰富而又宝贵.仅他的戏曲教育思想就让后人受用不尽,给我们启示无穷.
More than sixty years ago, Ted Shawn, the famous American dance industry veteran, praised the article: “You can learn some immeasurable skills from Mei Lanfang in cultivating artistic experience and engaging in arts education. Precious and unique thing. ”At that time, Mei Lanfang had not yet reached the age of perplexity. Just as the golden age of artistic youth, almost all his energies devoted himself to the innovation and creation of Peking Opera art. Ted Shawn’s assessment is appropriate and predictable.Now, we are grateful to Master Mei Lanfang glorious life and immortal performance, more and more aware of the cultural legacy he left behind And spiritual wealth is so rich and precious.Only his drama educational thought let the future generations suffer from endless, enlighten us infinite.