Egypt is full of treasures(宝藏)面.W具)he?re can you see a gold mask(黄金Why are there whale bones(骨头)in d!eserts(沙漠)?Let’s go and findout埃及到处都是宝藏。你知道在哪儿可以看到黄金面具吗?为什么鲸鱼的骨头在沙漠里?让我们一起去探寻和发现吧!Gold mask黄金面具亡This beautiful mask is gold.It’s 10.23kg.It’s the death(死)mas,k of Tutankhamun(图坦卡蒙).He was a king in Egyptabout这3个30漂0亮yea的rs面ag具o.是黄金做的,它重10.23千克。它是图
Egypt is full of treasures (.W) he? Re can you see a gold mask? Egypt is full of treasures (gold) in the d! Eserts? Let’s go and findout Egypt is full of treasure. Do you know where you can see the gold mask? Why is the whale’s bones in the desert? Let’s explore together and discover it! Gold mask Gold mask is dead This beautiful mask is gold.It’s 10.23kg.It’s the death (masculine) mas , k of Tutankhamun (Tutankhamun) .He was a king in Egyptabout These three 30-floats 0 yea’s rs ag. o is made of gold, it weighs 10.23 kg. It is a map