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2005年是“十五”与“十一五”的承转之年,是我国垒面建设小康社会中关键的一年,也是我国科技事业发展具有里程碑意义的一年。2005年8月30日,云南省率先在全国召开的全省科学技术大会,是我国第一个以自主创新为主题的省级科技大会。改革开放以来,特别是“十五”期间,云南省坚持把加快发展作为第一要务,深入实施科技兴滇战略,不断加大科技投入,科技工作取得了显著成绩,推动了云南与全国同步建设小康社会奋斗目标的实现和和谐社会的构建。 为了全面总结云南省“十五”期间的科技工作,宣传“十五”期间云南科技自主创新工作取得的成绩,贯彻落实云南科学技术大会精神,为云南各地区、各部门、各单位在自主创新方面的一些经验和做法搭建一个交流平台,以增强做好云南“十一五”科技工作的信心,营造科技工作的良好氛围,云南省科技厅和《中国科技产业》杂志社共同编辑出版了这本《云南专辑》。 专辑的出版得到了国家科技部,云南省委、省政府以及云南省科技厅 2005 is the year of the tenth and fifth eleventh five-year undertakings, a crucial year for our country to build a well-to-do society and another milestone for the development of science and technology in our country. On August 30, 2005, Yunnan Province took the lead in holding the province's science and technology conference across the country. It is the first province-level science and technology conference in China that focuses on independent innovation. Since the reform and opening up, especially during the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, Yunnan Province has insisted on accelerating development as its top priority, thoroughly implementing the strategy of revitalizing Yunnan by science and technology, continuously increasing investment in science and technology, and made remarkable achievements in science and technology and promoted the simultaneous construction of Yunnan and the whole of China The realization of the goal of well - off society and the construction of harmonious society. In order to comprehensively summarize the scientific and technological work during the “Tenth Five-year Plan” in Yunnan Province, publicize the achievements made in Yunnan's science and technology independent innovation during the Tenth Five-Year Plan period, implement the spirit of the Yunnan Science and Technology Conference and provide support to all regions, departments and units in Yunnan in independent innovation We should build a platform for exchanges to enhance the confidence in science and technology work in Yunnan during the 11th Five-Year Plan period and create a good atmosphere for scientific and technological work. Yunnan Science and Technology Department and China Science and Technology Industry Magazine jointly edited and published this platform The “Yunnan album.” The album was published by the Ministry of Science and Technology, Yunnan Provincial Party Committee, the provincial government and Yunnan Provincial Science and Technology Department
编辑同志: 我的儿子刚刚三岁,他对识字、诗歌很感兴趣,学得快、记得牢。可对认数儿、算术不感兴趣。尽管我们对他进行诱导、启发,但收效不明显。有什么好办法启发孩子学习认
俗话说“眼见为实”,人们总是坚信自己的眼睛忠厚老实,很靠得住。我偏不信!快来我的颠覆视觉实验室看看,这里眼见不为实——千万别相信自己的眼睛! As the saying goes, “
本文综述了英国、美国、德国、日本等国的高科技显微镜的发展现状和未来,以及今后显微镜的研制开发趋向。 This article summarizes the development status and future of