在保卫十月革命成果、捍卫苏维埃政权的艰苦卓绝的斗争中,曾有一支英勇无比的中国劲旅——红鹰团.这个团的团长就是辽北第一个布尔什维克、伟大的国际主义战士任辅臣烈士.1 任辅臣,字佐卿,1884年农历四月初四出生于辽宁省铁岭县镇西堡乡河夹心村.任家祖籍山东泰安,清初闯关东来到东北,先落户在新民,后定居铁岭县银州城内.任家在铁岭虽非望族,但也不同于普通人家.任辅臣的曾祖父任杰,幼年就读于著名的学府银冈书院,中年中举人,娶妻吴氏,亦出身
In the arduous struggle to defend the achievements of the October Revolution and defend the Soviet power, there was a bravery and brutal Chinese Red Brigade, the first Bolshevik warrior in northern Liaoning and the martyr Ren Fuchen, a great fighter for internationalism .1 Ren Fuchen, the word Zuoqing, was born in the middle of April of the fourth lunar month in April 1884 in the middle of the river Sandwich Village of Tieling County, Liaoning Province.It was an ancestral home in Tai’an, Shandong Province, and arrived in the northeast at the beginning of Qing Dynasty, settling in Xinmin first and then settling in Tieling County Yinzhou City Renjia Tieling Although non-family, but also different from ordinary people Renfu Chen’s great-grandfather Ren Jie, a child enrolled in the famous school Yin Gang College, middle-aged man, married wife Wu, also born