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西藏自治区吉隆县委办公室驻村工作队坚持以践行群众路线为载体,以服务群众为抓手,积极为群众办实事、做好事、解难事,推进驻村帮扶工作取得成效。其主要做法是宣传教育贴民心。驻村工作队员采取现身说法、分类宣教、图片对比、重点人员帮教等方法,用发生在党员干部和群众身边具有教育警示意义的真实案例,加大对党的各项方针政策、惠民利民政策的宣传力度,有效提高了农牧民群众对党的政策方针的理解,坚定了农牧民群众跟党走的信心和决心;议事决策顺民意。积极协同村“两委”班子就村居事务开展 The village team of the Geelong County office of the Tibet Autonomous Region persists in taking the practice of the mass line as the carrier, serving the masses as a starting point, actively doing practical work for the masses, doing good deeds and solving difficult problems, and promoting the aid to the villages. The main approach is to publicize the education paste people. In the presence of party members and cadres and the masses have a warning about the significance of education in real cases, to increase the party’s various principles and policies, Huimin people policy The propaganda efforts effectively raised the masses’ understanding of the party’s policies and policies and strengthened the confidence and determination of the masses of farmers and herdsmen to walk with the party. Actively cooperate with the village “two committees ” team to carry out village affairs
The water medium(WM) retarder is an auxiliary braking device that could convert the kinetic energy of the vehicle to the thermal energy of the coolant, and it i
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