Man Students Are More likely to Fail than Woman Students in English Final Examinations

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  【Abstract】By conducting a survey, the writer finds an interesting phenomenon at Honghe University (HU). The number of boy students who can not pass the English final examination exceeds the number of girls. What the reasons are? From the aspect of gender, this thesis tries to discuss the possible reasons which lead to the special phenomenon. It has some practical values both to Chinese college English teachers and the boy students.
  【Key words】gender; supplementary examination; attitude
  English learning is a very complicated process, it involves a lot of factors, especially the learners own factor. It is the most direct and the most important factor. By conducting a survey, this thesis tries to figure out the reasons why boy students are more likely failed in the English final examination.
  The author always has the work of invigilating in the college English supplementary examination. She finds that the number of boy students taking the supplementary examination outnumbers girl students. It’s a very special phenomenon. What are the reasons which lead to the unique situation?
  Altogether, there are 255 students are interviewed by the author. These students are college students from (HU). HU is located in Mengzi, a central city of southern Yunnan Province. HU is named after the “Honghe” (which means “red river” in Chinese), an international river flowing from Dali through eight counties of the Red River Prefecture of Yunnan Province all the way to Vietnam’s Hanoi. The predecessor to Honghe University – Mengzi Teachers’ Training School – was established on April 4, 1978. The name was changed to Mengzi Normal College on July 9, 1978. On April 16, 2003, the Education Department permitted Mengzi Normal College to merge with the Honghe Branch of the Yunnan Broadcasting University to form Honghe University, and on September 28, 2003, HU was formally established. Most of the 255 students are sophomores. Their ages range from 18 to 22. They take College English III as their optional course. After finishing learning the course, they will achieve the extra four academic scores.
  The author is the English teacher of the 255 students. These students are divided into three classes. In the 255 students, boy students are 107. Girls are 148. In order to find out how many these students have experienced the supplementary examination, the writer interviews them. Among the boys, the 107 students, there are 35 students have experienced the supplementary examination. Instead, only 20 girls have ever experienced the supplementary examination. It is not difficult to find out that boys are more likely to fail in an English final Examination. The failed proportion of boys is 32.71%. On the contrary, girls’ proportion is 13.51%. There is a big gap of the failed proportion between girls and boys. The next challenge is to figure out what are the reasons which lead to the great difference.   Social factors
  When children are born, their gender is certain. They are putting on different clothes, playing different toys. They are expected to grow into different persons. To some extent, they future is determined by their parents and the society surrounding them. Boys are expected to be real men. Girls are expected to be gentle and kind women. Parents expect their boys to must have achievements, to compete, to know how to control emotions. Parents ask their girls to make the best of communication skills and know how to express their feelings. Boys are encouraged to be assertive, aggressive and have the spirit of adventure. Girls are supposed to be soft and passive. The following express such idea exactly:
  “Arab males, who are expected to be the breadwinners of their families, enjoy more freedom outside the home and, therefore, are exposed to diverse experiences, allowing them to become more innovative and daring to seek out new possibilities. Females, on the other hand, are expected to stay indoors and live in a routine, secure, and predicable environment, where they perform daily household chores and take care of their children. In such confined environment, females can have more time to use sensory experiences, whereas, they have little opportunities of risk taking or ventures outside the home.” (Alumran, 2008, p 311)
  All the expectation has great influence on them. As a result, males are good at logical thinking. Their thinking has the feature of extensiveness, flexibility and creativity. They are superior to in natural science, such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, philosophy. But females are good at image thinking. Generally speaking, they like English, literature, art, biology and other disciplines and they are easier to achieve more than males. Therefore, girl students will be better able to recite more words. Boys will find it is a tough task for them to remember words.
  Different attitude
  Personality has big influence on students’ academic learning. Female students’ attitudes towards English are somewhat higher than male students’(Abidin, 2012). Though different person has different personality, on balance, males are impulsive. Females are relatively gentle. “A positive attitude should be the umbrella of language learning (Abidin, 2012, p126). ”Inductive method is adopted by most Chinese English teachers. They give some examples, and then summarize the rules of grammar. Girls get more from this kind approach. Girl students hold the dominant position in language learning. The difference in learning attitude and personality affects their English learning.   Learning interest
  Shoaib and Dornyei (2005) advocated that gender is an important perspective under second language learning investigations and concluded that females show more interests, positive behaviors and performances compared with the males. It is well known that interest is one of the most important elements in one’s learning. Boys have much more hobbies and interests than girls. So much hobbies and interests will distract them from their English learning. On the contrary, girls are willing to spend much time in their English learning. It is unlikely for most girls to fail in the final English examination.
  Learning process
  This process refers to the school session. On the session, during the class, woman students will behave more actively than man students. If they want to be treated equally by their English teacher, they must pay more attention to their English learning. Otherwise, their teachers will not show solicitude for girls. Why the author state like this. In China, majority English teachers are woman teachers. Because of the gender difference, woman teachers like to focus on man students. It is accepted by sociolinguistics. Woman English teachers are strict with girl students. For a long run, woman students will achieve more in English learning. And then it is impossible for most girl students to fail the examination.
  Time spent on the English examination
  Woman students would like to spend much time on the reviewing work before the examination. Most of the content of the examination are related to the course book. Girls are more careful. They take more notes than boys in English class, for they remembered more English words, (the other part of this thesis has discussed this issue). Their notes are a good help to make preparation for students. In a word, girls will feel relaxed in the preparing process than boys.
  Different attitude towards failure
  It is known girls are more embarrassed when facing the same thing. Because of this peculiarity, Girls care about the examination result than boys. Girls will feel ashamed if they fail an examination. Instead, boys have a liberal attitude on failure. It is not a so bad thing to fail an examination. To some extent, it tells why more boy students are likely to fail an English examination.
  Different learning styles
  Males and females adopt different learning styles (Boverie, Huffman, Meier,
【摘要】基于产业发展动态调整专业,推动职业教育有效教学是保障职业教育发展与经济发展、产业优化升级形成良性互动的重要途径,它不仅可以提高我国高职专业英语课堂教学质量,满足区域经济发展需求,还可以丰富高等职业教育教学层次和内容。通过对高职商务英语的效教学,为学生职业素质提高和专业技能培养打下了良好的基础,实现教学的最优化。  【关键词】区域经济 职业教育 商务英语 有效教学  引言  国务院颁发的《关
【摘要】本文尝试将系统功能语言学应用到语言教学的目标设定之中,探讨功能语言学对改进英语课堂教学目标设计的启示,以提高英语师范生课堂教学的设计能力。  【关键词】系统功能语言学 教学目标  近些年来,我国基础教育阶段的英语课程改革中的一项重要内容就是重新设置英语课程的目标,特别是突出了实际语言运用能力的培养。具体到每一堂课中,教学目标即教学活动实施的方向和预期达成的结果,其有效的设计是课堂教学的核心
【摘要】在高考英语全国卷中,短文改错、语法填空、七选五填空都是常考的题型,但对于安徽省的英语高考试卷来讲却是很少见。为了让安徽省的广大考生更好的应对新题型,笔者在分析全国卷的基础上,谈谈自己对这三种题型的理解。  【关键词】高考英语 安徽卷 全国卷 策略  在考试中,无论试卷加入了哪一种新题型,我们都不要惊恐,因为万变不离其宗。接下来,笔者将一一分析这三种题型的主要特点及主要解题策略。  一、短文
【摘要】初中英语写作一直都是教学的重要内容之一,如何才能提高学生的英语写作兴趣与英语写作水平,也是英语教学中一直很难攻破的难关,因此,本文主要针对如何才能提高初中英语写作课堂教学的实效性进行的反思。  【关键词】初中英语 写作教学 困境 突破  英语写作近十几年来一直是中考英语试题的重要组成部分,但一提起写作,大多数学生们就犯愁,有的干脆放弃,更不要说写一篇优秀的英语作文了。面对学生“难于上青天”
【摘要】文化学习和语言学习之间具有着十分密切的关联,任何一门语言的学习均需对其文化背景有一定的认识和了解,这一点在高中阶段的英语教学中同样关键,跨文化语境已逐渐引起教育界人士的广泛关注。本文主要對高中英语跨文化语境教学的重要性进行了分析。  【关键词】跨文化语境 高中英语 应试教育 宗教信仰 文化内涵  前言  高中阶段的英语教学,主要是为了培养和提升学生的语言综合能力,并使其掌握基本的知识技能。
【Abstract】Mark Twain is a great literary giant of America,and he is also generally considered one of America’s first and foremost realist and humorists. Among his works,the Adventures of Huckleberry F
【摘要】作为初中课程中的主要课程,英语具有一定的特殊性,学生对于英语的学习兴趣在很大程度上决定了课堂质量和学习效率的高低。因此,如何加强初中学生对于英语的学习兴趣,就成为了初中英语教师必须去面对的问题。本文针对初中英语教学中学生学习兴趣的培养提出了几点建议,希望能为广大初中英语教育者提供一定的参考。  【关键词】初中英语教学 学习兴趣培养  引言  新课改之后,初中英语教材发生了翻天覆地的变化。其
【摘要】本文在对英语听力技能训练教学探索的基础上,对听力技能训练分为语言分析型和内容理解性。然后在此分类的基础上分别细化,对于各种训练中的材料选择,训练过程中的注意事项以及训练需要达到的目的进行明确,做到有的放矢,真正的做到让“耳朵”在训练中动起来,取得训练的效果。  【关键词】英语听力 技能训练 语言分析型 内容理解型  听是充分表现语言的一种形式,一天中,一个人听的信息量是说的两倍,是读和写的