本文报道采用蒿甲醚注射液5天疗程成人总量480mg 治疗恶性疟121例的结果。患者平均退热时间为21.3±11.7小时,平均原虫转阴时间为75.9±15.3小时,其中100例追踪观察至28天,有5例(5%)复燃。与此同时,对30例病人进行体外疟原虫对氯喹敏感性测定,结果表明抗性率占56.7%,由此说明蒿甲醚注射液治疗抗氯喹恶性疟疗效良好。发现个别病人出现药物热,部分病人出现一过性网织红细胞下降至略低于正常低限值的毒副反应。根据研究结果,作者认为蒿甲醚注射液总量480mg 5天给药方案可推荐作为今后临床扩大试用的方案。
This article reports the results of 121 cases of P. falciparum treated with 480 mg of adult artemether for 5 days. The mean duration of fever was 21.3 ± 11.7 hours and the mean duration of parasite negative was 75.9 ± 15.3 hours, of which 100 were followed up until 28 days and 5 (5%) resumed. In the meantime, the susceptibility of chloroquine to malaria parasites in 30 patients was measured in vitro. The results showed that the resistance rate was 56.7%, indicating that artemether injection is effective in treating chloroquine falciparum malaria. Found that individual patients with drug fever, some patients appeared transient reticulocyte decreased slightly lower than the normal low limit of toxicity. According to the results of the study, the authors believe that the total dose of artemether 480mg 5-day dosing regimen can be recommended as clinical trials to expand the program.