作者对1983.1~1984.12期间某神经科康复门诊连续的200例非卧床康复的中风病人进行了回顾性追踪调查,其中男147例(73.5%),女53例(26.5%)。平均年龄52.4岁,平均追踪时间为中风后39.9个月(2.7~52.9个月),169例(84.5%)有偏瘫,146例(73%)作了CT 检查,CT 显示70例有皮层病变,43例有皮层下病变,3例有皮层和皮层下病变,30例CT 片上无明显病变,其中8例在急性期CT 片上有蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)和脑室内出血,其它22例急性期CT 为缺血性脑梗塞(IBI)。28例癫痫病人的CT 有5例无明显病灶。40%的病人作了EEG 检查,13%的病人作了MRI 检查,17%的病人作了颈动脉血管造影,25%的病人进行了主动脉颈部血管造影(aortocervical angiography)。诊断性的分布是:(IBI)157例(79%),脑出血(ICH)20例(10%),SAH 23例(11%)。作者定出至少有2次非激发癫痫发作(unprovoked seizures)方能
The authors retrospectively investigated 200 consecutive stroke patients undergoing ambulatory rehabilitation in a neurological rehabilitation clinic from 1983.1 to 1984.12, including 147 males (73.5%) and 53 females (26.5%). The mean follow-up time was 39.9 months (2.7-52.9 months) after stroke, 169 cases (84.5%) had hemiplegia and 146 cases (73%) had CT examination. CT showed that 70 cases had cortical lesions, 43 cases had subcortical lesions, 3 cases had cortical and subcortical lesions, and 30 cases had no obvious lesion on CT. Among them, 8 cases had subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and intraventricular hemorrhage on the acute phase of CT, and the other 22 cases of acute phase CT is ischemic cerebral infarction (IBI). CT in 28 cases of epilepsy patients with no obvious lesions in 5 cases. EEG was performed in 40% of patients, MRI in 13%, carotid angiography in 17%, and aortocervical angiography in 25% of patients. The diagnostic distribution was 157 IBI (79%), 20 ICH (10%) and 23 SAH (11%). The authors identified at least 2 unprovoked seizures