伯基特(Burkitt)氏淋巴瘤是高发于中部非洲儿童的一种低分化恶性淋巴瘤,国内少见,仅有散在个例报告,现将我们见到的2例介绍如下。1 病例介绍患者耿某,男性,10岁。因颌面部肿瘤20余日于1995年1月8日入院。20日前,患者感左下颌骨疼痛,继之左面部及颌下肿胀疼痛,并且逐渐加重而就诊。查体:贫血貌,肝胆脾未见明显异常,全身浅表淋巴结未肿大。双侧面部及左颞部弥漫性肿胀,左侧为重,质硬,压痛明显;双颌下可触及表面为4.0cm×4.0cm、1.5cm×1.5cm之肿块,质硬、固定、压痛明显。全口牙龈肿胀,疼痛,多个后牙松动。B超检查提示颌下区脓肿,初诊:颌面间隙感染并颌下淋巴结炎。在局麻下行左颊部口内切开排脓。取活检,切开见肿瘤组织质脆、灰白色、呈鱼肉样改
Burkitt's lymphoma is a poorly differentiated malignant lymphoma that is endemic to children in Central Africa. There are only a few cases reported in China. The two cases we have seen are as follows. 1 case introduction Geng Mou, male, 10 years old. Due to maxillofacial tumors more than 20 days in January 8, 1995 admission. 20 days ago, the patient felt left mandibular pain, followed by swelling of the left facial and submandibular pain, and gradually increase the treatment. Physical examination: anemia appearance, hepatobiliary and spleen no obvious abnormalities, systemic superficial lymph nodes are not swollen. Bilateral facial and left temporal diffuse swelling, the left is heavy, hard, tender and obvious; bilaterally accessible surface is 4.0cm × 4.0cm, 1.5cm × 1.5cm of the mass, hard, fixed, tenderness significantly . Full mouth swollen gums, pain, multiple posterior teeth loose. B ultrasound examination prompted submandibular abscess, newly diagnosed: maxillofacial space infection and submandibular lymphadenitis. Under local anesthesia left cheek mouth incision pus. Take biopsy, cut the tumor tissue crisp, gray, fish-like change