The new semi-dwarf strain RA73 is composed of a complete set of four pairs of Lemont (semi-dwarf), L202 (semi-dwarf), Katy (semidwarf) and Bond Column hybridization test. The semi-dwarf strain RA73 obtained from neutron irradiation on parents, F1 and F2 in 1994 and 1995 was different from the sd-1 semi-dwarf gene in semi-dwarf cultivars Lemont Bit. RA73 was crossed with Lemont, L202 and Katy. The segregation ratio of F2 generation was: 9 Tall: 6 Semi-dwarf: 1 dwarf or 9 tall: 3 dwarf: 3 dwarf: 1 dwarf . In these combinations there are two pairs of independent dwarfing genes that are not in the same position. F1 and F2 appeared high-stalk wild-type plants, F2 also appeared a new dwarf gene-controlled dwarf plants. L202 or Katy has a dominant semi-dwarf gene and Lemont has a recessive dwarf gene. L202 was crossed with Katy. The plant height of F2 was continuous with the normal quantitative trait and all had the same sub-dwarf gene. The high-stalk variety Bond was crossed with four other semi-dwarf or semi-dwarf cultivars. The segregation ratio of F2 plants was 3 tall stalk: 1 semi-dwarf or semi-dwarf stalk, indicating that it was controlled by the dominant recessive allele Genetic. Orthogonal and anti-cross the same results, differences exist, mainly the impact of the environment, in addition to the main genes, there are micro-gene modified genes, but not the maternal effect.