Ancient migration routes of Austronesian-speaking populations in oceanic Southeast Asia and Melanesi

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Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and non-recombining Y chromosome (NRY) are inherited uni-parentally from mother to daughter or from father to son respectively. Their polymorphism has initially been studied throughout populations of the world to demonstrate the “Out of Africa” hypothesis. Here, to correlate the distribution of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in different populations of insular Asia, we analyze the mtDNA information (lineages) obtained from genotyping of the hyper variable region (HVS I & II) among 1400 individuals from island Southeast Asia (ISEA), Taiwan and Fujian and supplemented with the analysis of relevant coding region polymorphisms. Lineages that best represented a clade (a branch of the genetic tree) in the phylogeny were further analyzed using complete genomic mtDNA sequencing. Finally, these complete mtDNA sequences were used to construct a most parsimonious tree which now constitutes the most up-to-date mtDNA dataset available on ISEA and Taiwan. This analysis has exposed new insights of the evolutionary history of insular Asia and has strong implications in assessing possible correlations with linguistic, archaeology, demography and the NPC distribution in populations within these regions. To obtain a more objective and balanced genetic point of view, slowly evolving biallelic Y single nucleotide polymorphism (Y-SNP) was also analyzed. As in the first step above, the technique was first applied to determine affinities (macro analysis) between populations of insular Asia. Secondly, sixteen Y short tandem repeats (Y-STR) were used as they allow deeper insight (micro analysis) into the relationship between individuals of a same region. Together, mtDNA and NRY allowed a better definition of the relational, demographic, cultural and genetic components that constitute the make up of the present day peoples of ISEA. Outstanding findings were obtained on the routes of migration that occurred along with the spread of NPC during the settlement of insular Asia. The results of this analysis will be discussed using a conceptual approach. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) and non-recombining Y chromosome (NRY) are inherited uni-parentally from mother to daughter or from father to son.. Their polymorphism has initially been studied throughout populations of the world to demonstrate the “Out of Africa ”hypothesis. Here, to correlate the distribution of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) in different populations of insular Asia, we analyze the mDNA information (lineages) obtained from genotyping of the hyper variable region (HVS I & II) among 1400 individuals from island Southeast Asia (ISEA), Taiwan and Fujian and supplemented with the analysis of relevant coding region polymorphisms. Lineages that best represented a clade (a branch of the genetic tree) in the phylogeny were further analyzed using complete genomic mtDNA sequencing. Finally, these complete mtDNA sequences were used to construct a most parsimonious tree which now constitutes the most up-to-date mtDNA dataset available on ISEA and Taiwan. This analysis ha ha s derived new insights of the evolutionary history of insular asia and has strong implications in assessing possible correlations with linguistic, archeology, demography and the NPC distribution in populations within these regions. to obtain a more objective and balanced genetic point of view, slowly evolving biallelic As in the first step above, the technique was first applied to determine affinities (macro analysis) between populations of insular Asia. Secondly, sixteen Y short tandem repeats (Y-STR) were used as they allow deeper insight (micro analysis) into the relationship between individuals of a same region. Together, mtDNA and NRY allowed a better definition of the relational, demographic, cultural and genetic components that constitute the make up of the present day peoples of ISEA. Outstanding findings were obtained on the routes of migration that occurred along with the spread of NPC during the settlement of insular Asia. The results of this analysis will be discussed using a conceptual approach.
“一切知识都是从感官开始的。”这话是捷克教育家夸美纽斯说的。它反映了小学生认识事物的一般规律——认识的直观原理。根据这一原理,在教学中,结合学生的年龄特点,灵活处理教材内容,尽量让学生的视官去看,听官去听,使品德与社会教学收到了“实、活、新”的教学效果。    一、实    新编教材由三部分构成。即:图片、主题和故事屋、辨析窗、爱心园、评议箱、风景线等。图片是单元的中心与主题,抓住了图片就抓住了教
摘要:从我国第一部宪法制定开始,宪监督制度一直是学界学者研究的焦点。然而,时至今日,宪法监督制度的建设并不理想。2014年,党的十八大四中全会提出了“依法治国,依宪治国”,加大强宪法的实施、监督,这是我国完善宪法监督制度新的契机。本文从宪法监督制度的含义出发,分析宪法监督制度在我国实施的现状,最后并提出相关完善的建议。  关键词:宪法监督;存在问题;完善建议  中图分类号:D921文献标识码:A文
摘 要 在当今大学里,是否能将中国梦有效的融入大学生思想政治教育中不仅仅是取决于中国梦本身所具有的意义,也同时是对大学里思想政治教育机构的考验。中国梦如何走进大学生的思想政治教育值得我们思考,一方面要对中国梦进行理论上的学习,每一个大学生都应该树立一个自己的梦,并将中国梦作为自己的信念和目标。另一方面,要加强对中国梦教育的深入,让大学生爱国主义精神更深,让中国梦体现它的价值。  关键词 中国梦 大
摘要:中国和泰国两个国家都有不同的政体、不同的政策,所以就造成不同的法律。中泰两国国籍的取得和丧失比较而言,泰国国籍法的内容比较精细和清楚,规定的条件比较多也比较复杂。中国的法律比较简单明,特点是国家工作人员和现役军人,不得退出中国国籍。  关键词:国籍;泰国国籍;中国国籍;入籍;丧失  中图分类号:D998文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-4379-(2016)32-0219-02  作者简介:
[摘要]在当今社会,各国都认识到培养人才的重要性,大学生作为接受过最先进科学文化的群体,知识水平很高,文化素养也很高,所以对大学生的培养是各国都十分重视的一个问题。我们都知道,当今社会竞争十分激烈,国家间的竞争也很激烈,但究其根本这些竞争都是人才的竞争,所以培育好大学生,对我们国家来说至关重要。  [关键词]核心价值观 大学生 理性爱国主义  [中图分类号]G412 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]
光动力学疗法(Photodynamic therapy ,PDT )是目前最具前途的非侵入性治疗恶性肿瘤的方法之一。该疗法主要通过光敏剂在特定波长光源的激发下发生光动力学反应,产生单线态氧而发
摘 要 校园文化及其相关问题的研究,不仅有利于提升任课教师的执教能力,而且也利于教育资源的均衡发展。因此,本文拟在回顾远程开放教育和校园文化相关内容的基础上,从构建校园物质文化、精神文化、制度文化、行为文化四个层面对构建远程开放教育下的校园文化的相关问题进行逐一的说明和阐释。  关键词 远程教育 校园文化 构建实践  作者简介:赵蓓,南通开放大学,讲师;欧华,南通开放大学,副教授。  中图分类号: