针对航班波运行方式下的地面等待问题,提出了时隙交换策略。以参与交换各方的最小旅客延误为目标函数,以Pareto改进解为约束条件,运用合作博弈理论建立了2个航空公司间的时隙交换模型。将时隙交换模型分解成时隙指派模型与时隙组合模型,使用时隙指派模型求给定时隙状况下的最优指派方案与目标函数值,使用时隙组合模型求2个航空公司的最优时隙分配方案。计算结果表明:在无时隙交换下,航空公司1的旅客总延误为238 955min,航空公司2的旅客总延误为145 170min;当2个航空公司相互交换6个时隙后,航空公司1的旅客总延误为232 945min,航空公司2的旅客总延误为142 130min,分别下降2.5%与2.1%;当航班信息完全时,时隙交换能够使航空公司获得最优Pareto改进解;当航班信息不完全时,航空公司可以通过讨价还价的方法获得较好的时隙交换方案。
Aiming at the problem of ground-based waiting in the operation of flight waves, a time-slot exchange strategy is proposed. Taking the minimum passenger delay involved in the exchange of parties as the objective function, the Pareto solution is used as the constraint and the time slot exchange model between the two airlines is established using the cooperative game theory. The time slot exchange model is decomposed into the time slot assignment model and the time slot combination model, the time slot assignment model is used to obtain the optimal assignment scheme and the objective function value under the given time slot condition, and the time slot combination model is used to determine the two airlines’ Excellent slot allocation program. The calculation results show that the total delay of passengers in airline 1 is 238 955min and the total delay of passengers in airline 2 is 145 170min without time-slot exchange. When the two airlines exchange six slots with each other, airline 1 The total passenger delay was 232 945 min, while the total delay for airline 2 was 142 130 min, down 2.5% and 2.1% respectively. When the flight information was complete, the time slot exchange enabled the airlines to obtain the optimal Pareto improvement solution. When the flight information was not When complete, airlines can get a better time slot exchange solution by bargaining.