哈佛大学管理学教授考特在其著名的经典文章《企业经理人究竟在做什么?》中曾经详细描述企业经理人的日常活动。而令人意想不到的是,他所调查的经理人一天中花时间最多的活动就是沟通:从清晨到夜晚,从会议室中的讨论,到走廊里的闲聊; 从电话中的询问,到电子邮件的回复;从与自己上级和同事对公事的商议,到对下属的问寒问暖;经理人无时无刻不在与各种人用各种不同的方法进行着沟通。而正是这种沟通, 维系着企业政策制定与执行的关系,维系着企业中各个齿轮之间和谐的正常运行,维系着企业中人与人之间的各种联系,维系着企业与员工的命运一体。
Courtesy of Harvard University, a professor of management, described the day-to-day activities of business executives in his famous classic article, What Business Managers Do? And unexpectedly, the day-to-day activities of the managers he surveyed were communication: from morning to night, from discussions in the conference room, to gossip in the hallways; from inquiries on the phone to emails Reply; From the consultation with your superiors and colleagues on the business, to the subordinates asked for warmth; Managers all the time with all kinds of people in a variety of ways to communicate. And it is this kind of communication that maintains the relationship between the formulation and implementation of the enterprise policy, maintains the harmonious operation of all the gears in the enterprise, maintains the various connections among the people in the enterprise, and maintains the cooperation between the enterprise and the employees Fate one.