Designation and Development of Central Towns: A Case Study of Shiyan

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In China, central towns are an important pitch point in the urban system of a city or county. The cultivation and development of central towns is significant in completing the urban system structure and improving the overall quality of urban-rural development of a city or county. In the Municipality of Shiyan, a mountainous region in Hubei Province, the designation of central towns should not be mechanically accomplished through applying the methodology used in plain areas, but with particular focus on the location and transportation of the towns. Based on the analysis of comprehensive development potential, 14 central towns are finally designated in Shiyan in view of their favorable location and the requirement of coordinated regional development. Development strategies are also proposed for them which include the improvement of urban functions, the differentiation of development modes, the growth of industrial clusters, the development of environmental-friendly industries, the standard configuration of public service facilities, and the institutional reform and innovation which would ensure the realization of the central towns’ function of agglomeration and radiation. In China, central towns are an important pitch point in the urban system of a city or county. The cultivation and development of central towns is significant in completing the urban system structure and improving the overall quality of urban-rural development of a city or county In the Municipality of Shiyan, a mountainous region in Hubei Province, the designation of Central towns should not be mechanically accomplished through applying the methodology used in plain areas, but with particular focus on the location and transportation of the towns. Based on the analysis of comprehensive development potential, 14 central towns are finally designated in Shiyan in view of their favorable location and the requirement of coordinated regional development. Development strategies are also proposed for these include the improvement of urban functions, the differentiation of development modes, the growth of industrial clusters, the development of environmental-friendly industries, the standa rd configuration of public service facilities, and the institutional reform and innovation which would ensure the realization of the central towns’ function of agglomeration and radiation.
提及雅,我的眼前首先浮现一幅幅诗情画意被完美诠释的画面:层林尽染,凝紫飞红;十里桃花,灼灼其华;碧荷迤逦,莲动渔舟;抑或是曲水流觞,小楼听雨,松下抚琴,月下论禅。 Mention
[摘要]教学要从实际出发。根据不同的教学目标、内容、对象和备件等,我在实际教学中采用了游戏教学法、任务驱动法、小组合作法、演示与操作教学法、表扬奖励法各种方法有机地结合起来,从而培养学生良好的信息素养。  [关键词]信息技术 方法  [中图分类号]G434 [文献标识码]A  [文章编号]1006-5962(2012)03(a)-0149-01  我从事信息技术教学工作已经12年了,信息技术教学使
一个称职的单位政工干部,应成为单位中最有活力、最了解基层情况、最能领会领导决策的承上启下的桥梁与纽带。 A capable unit of political cadres should become the most