【摘 要】
曹翠芬因主演《孤儿泪》而荣获’95中国电影华表奖最佳女主角奖。我想采访她却找不到踪影,后经熟人告知,她的先生谭天谦因心脏病住院,曹翠芬一直在医院陪伴,于是我们约在医院见面。 我对她说:“你获了奖,记者们找你采访,电视台找你录相,都找不到你,原来你每天都在医院”她说:“生活就是这样,一阶段有一阶段的重点,目前我的重点就是帮我先生把病
Cao Cuifen starred in orphan tears and won the ’95 China Film Award for Best Actress Award. I want to interview her but can not find the trace, after the acquaintance told her that her husband, Tan Tianqian hospitalized for heart disease, Caochufen has been in the hospital, so we met in the hospital. I said to her: “You won the award. The reporters interviewed you and the TV station asked you to take a video. You could not find you. You were in the hospital every day.” She said: "Life is like this. There is a stage of emphasis in one stage At present, my point is to help my husband get sick
In the process of HPLC method development, it is necessary to optimize multiple parameters, such as analytical column and mobile phase, temperature, etc.Reg
Molecular crowding is a novel concept for obtaining molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) to improve selectivity and retention.In this study, a levofloxacin
In this study, a novel reversed stationary phase based on dithiourea derivative modified silica (DT-Sil) was prepared and characterized, by infrared spectra
华罗庚是我国著名的数学家,中国科学院院士,中国科学院数学研究所研究员、原所长。 1910年11月12日,华罗庚出生在江苏省金坛县。华罗庚小时候就爱学习,是我们学习的榜样。“罗呆子” 华罗庚小时候很爱动脑筋,下了课,小伙伴们都出去玩了,他还在教室里想老师讲的问题,有时候思考问题过于专心,同学叫他都听不见。久而久之,同学送他一个外号,叫他“罗呆子”。骑马 童年时代,华罗庚最想骑马。 他将小木凳
Carbon nanoparticles (CNPs) (8-15nm in size) were prepared by refluxing corn stalk soot in nitric acid.The obtained acid-oxidized CNPs are soluble in water