Clothing makers push for “zero waste”服装制造商推进“零浪费”

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  The way cloth is made is changing. Companies that make textiles (纺织品) are trying different materials because people want products that are more sustainable or better for the environment. It is about reducing waste during textile production. It is also about reusing or recycling waste to produce other products, so there is “zero waste”.
  Many people around the world have become concerned about the harm waste plastic does to the environment. Therefore, they are willing to pay five or ten percent more for a sustainable product. “Some examples are rugs and outdoor fabrics, or cloths. They are increasingly being made with recycled materials instead of new plastics.
  Much is happening with clothing design, too. Companies are using new textiles made from sustainable resources. A show at the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum in New York City is presenting some of these ideas to the public. It includes a dress made by a Japanese design team that is made with naturally glowing silk. The team said the cloth is made from silkworms injected with a green fluorescent (發荧光的) protein that comes from jellyfish—a kind of sea creature.
  The museum is also showing a version of an Adidas shoe made completely from plastic taken from the ocean. Other examples of sustainable products include a shoe that would be completely compostable, and a textile made from algae—a water organism.
  There is optimism when people see designers taking on this difficult problem. The public support and creativity around such textiles will continue.
  To help companies tell the public what they are doing, the Sustainable Furnishings Council provides an online list. It is meant to identify environmentally responsible companies for consumers. About 400 member companies are on the list. They have made their own public and confirmable promises to sustainability.
  1. Why is “zero waste” put forward?
  A. To improve technology.
  B. To encourage the public.
  C. To develop new material.
  D. To protect the environment.
  2. What was the reaction of the public to the “zero waste”?
  A. They expressed their support for it.
  B. Few people responded actively.
  C. Most people believed it hard to carry out.
  D. The majority thought it was nothing.
  3. Where is the text probably taken from?
  A. Science fiction. B. A research paper.
  C. A popular magazine. D. A personal diary.
  Companies that make textiles are trying different materials because people want products that are more sustainable or better for the environment. 制造纺织品的公司正在尝试不同的材料,因为人们想要可持续发展的产品或对环境更好的产品。
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