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在人类文明历史的长河中,“以时系事”的大事记的记事方法,可以追溯到文字产生之前的远古时代。当时人们就采用结绳、刻契(在竹子、木头、甲骨上刻道道或刻一定的符号)的方法,记载着所发生的大事。这种按照时间顺序记载大事的方法,是人类文明萌芽阶段的最原始最简单的大事记。 随着时间的演进和劳动技能的发展,产生了文字,据可考的文字记载,在东周时期,各诸侯国都设置史官编写本国的《春秋》。因这些史书都是按年、月、日的顺序记载重要的史事,这种“以时系事”的记载方法后人称为“编年体史书”。据说墨子曾阅读过“百国春秋”,可见这时编年体的记事方法已盛行于世。到了春秋时期,孔子编写的《春秋》,就记载了公元前722年至公元前481年,共计242年间鲁国的重要史事,它可以称为我国现存最早的一 In the course of the history of human civilization, the memoir of the “event of time” can be traced back to the ancient time before the birth of the word. At that time, people used the methods of knotting, carving (engraving on bamboo, wood, and oracle bone or engraving certain symbols) to record the events that took place. This method of recording events in chronological order is the most primitive and simple event in the embryonic stage of human civilization. With the development of time and the development of labor skills, texts were produced. According to the testable texts, in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the princely states set up their own “Spring and Autumn Periods” by the historians. Because of these history books are recorded in the order of year, month, day important historical events, such as “the system of events,” the descendants of the descendants called “chronological history books.” It is said that Mozi had read the “Spring and Autumn of 100 Countries”, showing that the method of notation of the chronological body at this time has prevailed. By the Spring and Autumn Period, “Spring and Autumn” written by Confucius recorded the important historical events of Lu State during the period 242 years BC from 722 BC to 481 BC It can be called the earliest existing one in our country
【摘要】当前中小学数学课堂教学中过程性教学原则落实不充分,“重结论、轻过程”“重框架、轻细节’,’’重训练、轻体验”现状较为凸出。本文从人类对数学本质认识的深刻变化、教育学依据和心理学依据三方面说明落实过程性教学原则的必要性,并提出一些启示和建议。  【关键词】过程性教学;教学现状;建议  中图分类号:G633.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7485(2020)26-0020-02  中
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【摘要】随着新课程改革的不断深入,小学数学教学中的逻辑思维能力,成为学生数学学习中最为重要的能力之一。本文以人教版小学数学教材为例,针对其在小学数学教学中的培养策略进行探究,并且对逻辑思维能力进行概述,以及对培养现状进行总结,希望对广大小学数学教师有所帮助。  【关键词】小学教育;小学数学;逻辑思维能力  中图分类号:G623.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7485(2020)26-00
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【摘要】当前,重视体育教育教学,不仅能使学生不断地学习更多的文化基础知识,而且能促进学生德、智、体、美、劳全面发展,因此,设置合理的体育课堂教学计划对学生至关重要。合理、科学、全面的体育教学评价,是提高高中体育教学质量的关键。据此,教师应从不同角度研究构建高中体育与健康课堂多元评价体系的策略。  【关键词】高中体育与健康;课堂教学;多元化评价  中图分类号:G633.96 文献标识码:A 文章编号
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