《博莱罗舞曲》(Bolero)是《我的不合时宜之梦》中的系列梦幻之一,六七十年代席卷德国的妇女性解放运动涉及的男女关系问题从这篇小说可以窥见一斑。男性在爱情上的自私、冷漠是这类文学的主题,因而“爱情故事”往往不是爱情,而是谋杀,当然是抽象意义的“精神谋杀”(梦)——消灭一种为妇女所憎恨的男性自私心理。女作家借用了拉威尔《博莱罗》里一再反复出现同一旋律和节奏的形式,一段接一段描写那个男子的虚伪和自私,也就一次又一次地重复出现“谋杀” 主题,直到乐声充满整个房间——实现“谋杀”。小说用一个爱情故事提出了人类值得思考的社会关系问题,无疑是一篇有价值的作品。
“Bolero” is one of the series of fantasies in “My Out-of-Time Dream”. The relationship between men and women involved in the women’s sexual liberation sweeping Germany in the 1960s and 1970s can be seen from the novel. Male selfishness and indifference in love are the topics of this kind of literature. Therefore, “love story” is often not love, but murder, of course, abstract “spiritual murder” (dream) Male selfish psychology women hate. The female writer borrows a repetition of the same melody and rhythm in La Bolero’s Bolero, describing the hypocrisy and selfishness of the man one after another, repeating the theme of “murder” again and again until Music filled the entire room - to achieve “murder ”. Novels with a love story raised the human worthy of social relations, is undoubtedly a valuable work.