Annona, also known as Sakyamuni, because of its appearance similar to the Buddha’s head named. Custard apple is native to the tropical Americas and was originally introduced by the Netherlands. In the Ming Dynasty, Shen Guangwen had the “Shakyamuni” poems that proved that Shakya was introduced into Taiwan at the latest in the Ming Dynasty and is now planted in Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan , Every autumn to spring have produced. Custard apple milk white, rich in vitamins A, B, C and protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, etc., to promote digestion. The fruit can be cut into pieces made of various ice drinks. Peel inedible, if the skin black taste better. Sakyamuni is very much loved in Taiwan, holding an annual festival of custard apple. The price of the winner, Sakhalin, is RMB10,000. Head