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竞走是一项富有健身价值的体育活动,对于中老年或在日常工作及生活中缺乏身体活动的人们来说,具有同“健身跑”(即慢速中长跑)相类似的健身作用。从事这项活动不受年龄、性别和场地限制,简便易行。可以使人们养成正确的身体姿势,增强体力和耐久力,加强腰腹和下肢肌肉的力量。同时还能有效地增强内脏器官的功能,特别是心血管系统、呼吸和消化系统的功能。培养人们吃苦耐劳和勇于克服困难坚持到底的优良作风和品质。竞走作为竞技项目在我国普遍开展还是较晚的,加上文化大革命以来,由于林彪、“四人帮”对体育战线的干扰破坏,这一项目基本处于停滞状态,近几年才重新开展,所以对六十年代世界流行的“现代化”竞走技术了解不多,对于外国运动员的先进技术 Walking is a sport of great fitness value, and has a fitness function similar to that of “fitness running” (ie, slow-speed middle and long distance running) for middle-aged or those who lack physical activity in their daily work and life. This activity is easy and practicable regardless of age, gender and venue. Can make people develop the correct body posture, enhance physical strength and endurance, strengthen the waist and lower limb muscle strength. At the same time can effectively enhance the function of internal organs, especially the cardiovascular system, respiratory and digestive system functions. Train people to work hard and courage to overcome difficulties in the end adhere to the fine style and quality. Walking race as a competitive project is generally carried out in our country or later, coupled with the Cultural Revolution, due to the interference of Lin Biao and the “gang of four” on the sports front, the project is basically at a standstill and has only been restarted in recent years. Therefore, The popular “modern” walking techniques in the world of the decade are poorly understood. For advanced techniques of foreign athletes
我不想成名成家,只想实实在在干点事业……这几年,江苏金兰集团(原响水纺织厂)的名气很大,洪登荣的名声很响,我有心想专 I do not want to become famous, just want to really
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7月23日,奥林巴斯2009年秋季数码相机新品发布会在京隆重举行。会上,共有3大系列10款新品隆重亮相,包括倡导乐享生活、防护功能更加完善的μTough系列新品μTough 6010;拥有
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