中国自动化学会首次系统工程学术会议,1979年7月25~29日在安徽省芜湖市举行.出席、列席代表一百余人.会上交流论文三十余篇.短期来华讲学的美国运筹学会主席、麻省理工学院斯隆管理学院教授利特尔(John D.C.Little)和在上海机械学院工作的加拿大专家巴塔特(Jo-seph Y.Battat)应邀在开幕式上作了报告.我们选编了五篇论文,连同两位外国专家特地交给本刊的报告稿一起作为专辑,分两期刊出.本期刊出三篇:
The first Systematic Engineering Conference of Chinese Society of Automation was held in Wuhu City, Anhui Province from July 25 to 29, 1979. Attending and attending more than 100 delegates, more than thirty papers were exchanged at the conference, and the American Operations Research Association Madam President, John DC Little, a professor at MIT Sloan School of Management and Jo-seph Y.Battat, a Canadian expert working at Shanghai Mechanical Engineering Institute, were invited to give a presentation at the opening ceremony. Five essays, together with the two special reports sent to this issue by our foreign experts, are published in two separate issues. There are three articles in this issue: