我国改革开放以来,加大教育的改革力度和投入,使国民整体科学文化素质有了很大提高。但是,在农村特别是边远贫穷地区,文盲半文盲仍大量存在,扫盲工作仍是我国教育的一项重要而长期的任务。 存在的困难和问题主要有以下几个方面:一是认识上存在误区。不少人认为知识无所谓,只要能挣钱就行。一位富商曾说:“我是个大老粗,小学只念了两年,标准的文盲,可照样发了财,比很多大学
Since the reform and opening up in our country, greater efforts have been made in education reform and investment so that the overall scientific and cultural qualities of the Chinese people have been greatly improved. However, illiteracy and semi-literacy still persist in rural areas, especially in remote and impoverished areas. Literacy work remains an important and long-term task for education in our country. The existing difficulties and problems are mainly the following aspects: First, there are misunderstandings. Many people think that knowledge does not matter, as long as you can make money on the line. A wealthy businessman once said: "I am a tall and big brother. Primary school only lasted two years. Standard illiteracy can still make a fortune more than many universities