
来源 :中国安防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kingwangcheng
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许多企业涉足安防领域,一是看好行业快速成长中的市场机遇,二是看好还算不错的投资收益率。但往往几年下来,有的企业不仅站住了脚,甚至后来居上,而有的企业却已经销声匿迹了。究其原因虽然很多,但一个正确的企业战略并得到贯彻执行,往往起到了至关重要的作用。有人可能认为对中小企业居多的安防行业,企业战略的话题似乎太大了,其实不然。领跑是一种战略,跟随是一种战略;品牌是一种战略,模仿是一种战略;做专做精是一种战略,全面开花是一种战略;“红海”博杀是一种战略,“蓝海”通幽是一种战略……实际上所有企业的成长都是在贯彻一种战略思想。企业在成长的过程中,更是会经常遇到一些机遇或诱惑,“联合”、“并购”、“上市”、“进军海外”等等不一而足。把握得好,可以使企业迅速发展,甚至腾飞;把握不好,将会给企业带来巨大风险,甚至灾难。安防行业从几年前业界著名的联想与黄金眼收购事件,到近期九鼎国外上市,不乏企业战略决策的种种案例。本期话题旨在引发大家对企业战略的讨论,通过专家论述、企业专题分析,给企业以启迪,尤其帮助成长型企业抓住真正机遇,摆脱不良诱惑,提高战略决策能力。 Many companies involved in the field of security, one is optimistic about the rapid growth of the market opportunities in the industry, the second is optimistic about the investment rate of return quite good. But often in a few years, some enterprises not only stand their feet, and even come from behind, while some companies have disappeared. Although there are many reasons for this, a correct corporate strategy and its implementation have always played a crucial role. Someone may think that the topic of corporate strategy seems too big for the security industry, which is mostly occupied by SMEs, but it is not. Lead is a strategy to follow is a strategy; brand is a strategy, imitation is a strategy; to do specialization is a strategy, full flowering is a strategy; “Red Sea” is a strategy to kill, “Blue Ocean” is a strategy of carefree ...... In fact all the growth of enterprises are implementing a strategic thinking. Enterprises in the process of growth, it will often encounter some opportunities or seductions, “joint”, “M & A”, “listing”, “marching overseas” and so forth. Grasp well, you can make the rapid development of enterprises, or even take off; not sure, it will bring great risks to enterprises, and even disaster. Security industry from a few years ago, the industry’s well-known Lenovo and the acquisition of the gold eye, to the recent listing of Jiuding, there are many cases of corporate strategic decision-making. The purpose of this issue is to arouse discussion on business strategy. Through expert discussions and analysis of business topics, we can give inspiration to enterprises, especially helping growth-oriented enterprises seize the real opportunities, get rid of bad seductions and improve their strategic decision-making capabilities.
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阿基米德(Archimedes)于公元前287年出生在意大利半岛南端西西里岛的叙拉古,公元前212年于同地被害.近代数学史家倍尔(Eric Temple Bell,1883~1960)曾说过“:任何一张关于有史
据中国新闻网报道近日,中国经济社会理事会理事、中国青少年研究会副会长陆士桢在接受记者采访时表示,中国出现留守儿童的原因在于国家经济社会的变迁,这一现象还将 Accordi
国家经贸委首次在京举行行业市场供求和投资信息发布会,宣布:玻璃、电解铝今明两年严重供大于求。 1999年以来,全国新增浮法玻璃生产线39条、生产能力6800多万重量箱,导致库
在高中课程改革推进过程中,加强体育与健康教学的研究和思考,有助于探索出适合我国国情的体育与健康教育相结合之路,切实提高学生的体质与健康水平。  一、对体育与健康教育的认识不全面  世界卫生组织(WHO)是这样描述健康的:“一种在身体上、精神上、社会上完善的良好状况,而不是没有疾病和衰弱的现象。”这说明健康不仅体现在生理上,还体现在心理上。如今,高中生普遍对健康概念缺乏全面认识,对体育和健康教学缺乏