浙江省温州市国防动员委员会紧紧围绕“打赢”目标,紧贴未来作战所担负的任务,积极推进战时政治工作研究。前不久,他们在乐清市就县级国动委未来作战中各个阶段政治工作的重点难点问题进行了演练,取得了丰硕的成果。 选择课题:在重点难点上求突破 县级国动委战时政治工作干什么、由谁干、怎么干,这是军事斗争准备中非常现实而又迫切需要解决的问题。浙扛省乐清市国
The Committee of National Defense Mobilization in Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, focused on the goal of “winning” and keeping up with the tasks of future operations and actively promoted research on wartime political work. Not long ago, they conducted drills in Yueqing City on the key and difficult issues of political work at all stages in the future operations of the County-level State Commission of Work and achieved fruitful results. Select the topic: to seek breakthrough in the key and difficult task of political work at the county level during the war, who do and how to do it, which is a very realistic and urgent problem to be solved in the preparations for the military struggle. Zhejiang province Yueqing City