功用和目的是密切联系的,有时甚至是难以严格区分的。(1)The Language C is also now widely used forsystems programming.C语言现在也广泛用于系统程序设计。(2)Registers are used for temporary storage of bi-nary bits within the CPU.寄存器用于暂时存储CPU中的二进制位信息。(3)Computer programs are now being used forthe production of annual telephone directories,andthere are many uses in the related field of publishing.现在,计算机程序正用于编制年度电话目录表,在出版事业有关领域也有许多应用。(4)FORTRAN is used for solv ing scientific and
Function and purpose are closely linked, sometimes even difficult to distinguish strictly. (1) The Language C is also now widely used forsystems programming.C language is now also widely used in system programming. (2) Registers are used for temporary storage of bi-nary bits within the CPU. Registers are used to temporarily store binary bits in the CPU. Computer programs are now being used forthe production of annual telephone directories, and many of the uses in the related field of publishing. Computer programs are now being used to prepare annual telephone directories and have many applications in related fields of publishing. (4) FORTRAN is used for solv ing scientific and