大约在1911年,英国的一名船长在福建省永福县采集到一种奇特的松柏类植物标本,后经研究,把它定名为Fokienia hodginsii,意为发现于福建的柏树。福建柏是大乔木,针叶表面深绿,叶背有雪白的氧孔。经过植物学工作者几十年的考察,已知福建柏除福建省龙岩有小片纯林,在江西、浙江省南部、湖南省南部、广东省北部、四川和贵州省的东南部,以及云南南部、广西北部等地也有分布,但多散生于常绿阔叶林中。
About 1911, a British captain collected a peculiar species of conifers in Yongfu County, Fujian Province. After researching it, it was named Fokienia hodginsii, meaning the cypress tree found in Fujian Province. Fujian cypress is a large tree, dark green needles, leaves a white oxygen hole. After decades of botanists’ investigation, it is known that there are small pure forests in Longyan, Fujian Province except for Jiangxi Province, southern Zhejiang Province, southern Hunan Province, northern Guangdong Province, southeastern Sichuan and Guizhou Provinces, and southern Yunnan , Northern Guangxi and other places are also distributed, but more scattered in the evergreen broad-leaved forest.