Richard Wentzer of Iowa University said that “human beings and bacteria started a walk” since Alexander Fleming in 1928 accidentally discovered the penicillin secreted by the mold in a laboratory petri dish. This is a leader in a constantly changing game. In 1946, just five years after penicillin was widely used as a result of the outbreak of World War II, doctors found that staphylococci were not easily broken by penicillin. No problem: Clever physicians have invented or discovered new antibiotics (often in soil samples that they collect back to each new place like a souvenir). Once again, these drugs have beaten the bacteria to “surrender”, however, and the bacteria have assembled again and bacterial mutants that can withstand the latest drugs have emerged. New drugs, followed by the emergence of newer mutants, the game is going on. In general, medicines have remained weakly leading, such as tuberculosis and other bacterial pneumonia, sepsis