女士们、先生们: 这次获得“长江读书奖”的读者著作奖,本人深感荣幸。对我来说,今年是个非常特殊的年份,对于这一特殊时刻所获的这一荣誉,我将永远铭记在心。我由衷地感谢全国广大读者对我的厚爱,并将把这份厚爱当作一种真诚的道义鼓励。借此机会,我还要感谢那些在《现代化的陷阱》的出版过程中给予了种种帮助的朋友们,正是他们的真诚帮助使我深深感到,在这条研究道路上,我不是孤军奋战。在此我要特别感谢两位人士,一位是中国社会科学院前副院长刘吉先生,他在本书出版过程中起了非常关键的作用;另一位则是今日中国出版社的副总编辑黄隽青先生,当年多家出版社出于众所周知的原因,对我的著作持观望
Ladies and Gentlemen, I am deeply honored to receive the Reader’s Prize for the “Yangtze River Prize” this time. For me this year is a very special year, and I will always keep in mind the honor I received at this special moment. I sincerely thank the readers of this country for their kindness to me and will regard this love as a genuine moral encouragement. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my friends who helped during the publication of the Modern Trap, and it is their sincere help that I deeply felt that I was not alone in this research path . I hereby give special thanks to two people, one is Mr. Liu Ji, former vice president of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, who played a very crucial role in the publication of this book. The other is the vice president of China Publishing House Editor Huang Junqing, when a number of publishers for the well-known reason for my book on the sidelines