一、病例报告伤员陈某,男,20岁,战士,住院号105274。1979年2月21日在对越自卫还击作战中被炮弹炸伤,咽部、臀部、右膝部和手背弹片存留。在某医院作取除咽部弹片的两次手术失败,于1979年4月2日转入我院。检查:发育中等,一般情况良好,心、肺无异常,肝、脾未触及。右颌下颈侧有1条约10厘米长的不规则的皮肤切口疤痕,触之微痛。咽部粘膜不充血,扁桃体Ⅱ°大。手指触诊咽部,发现右侧扁桃体下极下,可触到1个较硬的小包块,有触痛。右臀部、右膝部和右手背均可见弹片入口疤痕。化验检查:血常规、出凝血时间、大小便常规均属正常。 X线检查:颈部正侧位平片,在右侧梨
First, the case report The wounded Chen, male, 20 years old, soldier, hospital number 105274. February 21, 1979 in the Vietnam self-defensive operations in the war was shelling injury, throat, buttocks, right knee and hand shrapnel retention. In a hospital for removal of pharyngeal shrapnel failed two operations, on April 2, 1979 into our hospital. Check: Moderately developed, generally good, heart, lung no abnormalities, liver, spleen not touched. Right mandibular neck side of a 10 cm long irregular skin incision scars, touch the little pain. Pharyngeal mucosa is not hyperemic, tonsils Ⅱ ° large. Finger pharyngeal pharyngeal, found under the right side of the tonsils, can touch a hard mass, tenderness. Right hip, right knee and right hand are visible scoring scar. Laboratory tests: blood, a clotting time, urine routine are normal. X-ray examination: the neck is flat on the side, the right pear