Colorectal cancer in Alexandria,Egypt;clinical profile,epidemiological characteristics,trend,and sur

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Objective:During the past decades,the incidence of colorectal cancer was increased all around the world.In Egypt,colorectal cancer is the 7th most common cancer.The purpose of this study is to study the problem of colorectal cancer in Alexandria:trend,and survival.Methods:Two methodological strategies were adopted:Record reviewing for estimation of the annual incidence rates of colorectal cancer,and a retrospective cohort study to calculate the 5-year survival rates of colorectal cancer.Results:The annual incidence rates of CRC in Alexandria in 2007-2008 were 6.33 and 6.45 respectively per 100000 mid-year Alexandria population.The overall 5-years cumulative survival rate for CRC cases was 28.0%.Conclusion:This increase in incidence and mortality rates points toward a failed early detection and prevention strategy as well as failure to address lifestyle and dietary challenges of urbanization that affect most of the globe including Egypt. Objective: During the past decades, the incidence of colorectal cancer was increased all around the world. Egypt, colorectal cancer is the 7th most common cancer. The purpose of this study is to study the problem of colorectal cancer in Alexandria: trend, and survival. Methods: Two methodological strategies were adopted: Record reviewing for estimation of the annual incidence rates of colorectal cancer, and a retrospective cohort study to calculate the 5-year survival rates of colorectal cancer. Results: The annual incidence rates of CRC in Alexandria in 2007-2008 were 6.33 and 6.45 respectively per 100000 mid-year Alexandria population. The overall 5-year cumulative survival rate for CRC cases was 28.0% .Conclusion: This increase in incidence and mortality rates points toward a failed early detection and prevention strategy as well as failure to address lifestyle and dietary challenges of urbanization that affect most of the globe including Egypt.
摘要:我国对监理的认识起步晚,建设施工单位安全问题层出不穷,为了并保证施工人员的生命安全和企业的财产安全,使得国家经济快速稳定的前进,就需要加强施工现场的安全监督与管理,减少因安全事故对企业造成的损失,从而实现工程建设单位经济效益的最大化。本文笔者根据多年的监理工作实践经验,简要分析了工程建设中的安全监理问题。  关键词:安全监理;工程建设;安全管理  中图分类号:TU714文献标识码: A  前
摘要:当前,我国经济迅速发展,建筑行业已经成为支柱产业。在建设施工中,监理工作是保证项目质量的重要手段,要引起高度重视。但是当前我国的工程监理还存在一些问题,需要尽快解决。本文主要对建筑施工监理存在的问题及对策进行了简要分析。  关键词:建筑施工;工程监理;重要性  中图分类号:TU198文献标识码: A    引言  自我国在改革开放以来,国民经济取得了很大的进步,那么在实际的建筑行业发展到现在
摘要:我国是发展中国家,虽然经济正处于高速发展,但是也面临着资源严重枯竭的局面,尤其是生态环境也在日渐恶化。因此,在全国推广将绿色的施工管理应用于建筑施工中的做法迫在眉睫。本文对建筑工程项目的绿色施工管理进行了探讨。  关键词:建筑;工程项目;绿色;施工管理;措施  中图分类号:TU198文献标识码: A   随着社会的发展,资源短缺对人类社会发展的威胁在逐步加大,面对这种情况,越来越多的人接受了
摘 要:科学完善的工程管理体系决定着建筑工程投资方和施工管理企业的名誉和形象,能够直接决定在同行市场竞争中的有利地位,工程管理需要涉及到建设项目的众多方面,贯穿于整个施工过程中,并且承载着重要的监督管理使命,在国内激烈的竞争中,很多企业也开始将建筑工程管理工作提上日程,文章针对建筑工程管理的现状以及如何采取有效的控制方法做了简要分析说明。  关键词:建筑工程;工程管理;现状;对策  中图分类号:T
摘要:随着建筑行业的快速发展,建筑行业的規模愈来愈大,建筑施工的各种管理方式与技术业也获得了一定的提升。建筑工程的施工管理是一项复杂的工程,要做好这项工作,需要建筑施工企业认真分析自身的特点,充分利用自己的长处,采取科学的方法提高施工管理水平。本文就如何加强建筑工程施工管理展开探讨。  关键词:建筑质量;施工管理;问题;研究  中图分类号:TU71文献标识码: A   引言  在建筑施工过程中,施
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