谭延 是辛亥革命时期的风云人物之一。在长沙光复、焦陈罹难后,继任湖南都督。在此期间,他顺应时代潮流,拥护民主共和,稳定湖南政局,对推动辛亥革命作出了积极的贡献。本文一方面论述了谭在湖南政治、经济、军事、文化及外交各方面的政策和措施,说明其政权基本上是一个具有革命性质的政权;一方面论述了谭放眼全国,经略各地,推动全国革命的积极举措,充分肯定他对辛亥革命的贡献。
Tan Yan is one of the most influential people in the 1911 Revolution. In Changsha, Fu Chen, Jiao Chen killed, succeeded Hunan captaincy. During this period, he followed the trend of the times, championed democratic republics, stabilized the political situation in Hunan and made positive contributions to the revolution of 1911. This article, on the one hand, discusses Tan’s policies and measures in Hunan’s political, economic, military, cultural and diplomatic fields, and shows that his regime is basically a revolutionary regime. On the one hand, Tan discusses the whole country, The positive measures of the national revolution fully affirmed his contribution to the 1911 Revolution.