△9月15日,被补列为市重大工程的上粮四库、七库、九库扩建中央直属储备粮库项目(共27幢仓库)全部开工。工程总投资1.05亿元,总建筑面积约6.3万m~2。工程将于明年4月建成,建成后可增加仓储25.05万t。 △9月28日,南码头轮渡站改造工程正式通航。该工程于今年4月10日正式开工,9月15日基本建成。改造后的南码头轮渡站
△ On September 15th, the construction of the central grain reserve warehouse project (including a total of 27 warehouses) for the expansion of the Shanghai Food Bank, the Seven Banks, and the Jiuku that were listed as major city projects was started. The total investment of the project is 105 million yuan and the total construction area is about 63,000 m2. The project will be completed in April next year. After completion, it will increase the storage of 205,500 tons. △ On September 28, the renovation project of the South Wharf Ferry Station was formally navigable. The project was formally started on April 10 this year, and was basically completed on September 15. South Wharf Ferry Station after renovation