小儿颅脑损伤后癫痫并不少见,其发生率为4%~10%。本文分析于1993年3月至1999年3月住院的小儿颅脑损伤276例,其中26例继发癫痫,现对其发生率、损伤程度与癫痫发生率的关系及治疗进行探讨。1 临床资料1.1 一般资料本组共276例,男198例,女78例。坠落伤152例,车祸伤18例,打击伤36例。年龄最小2岁,最大14岁,平均7.2岁。继发癫痫26例,男19例,女7例,年龄最小2岁,最大13岁,平均6.4岁。继发癫痫患儿中有4例为剖腹产者,余均为顺产者,无家族性癫痫病史,受伤前无癫痫发作史。伤后根据GCS评分及头颅CT检查结果诊断,I级脑外伤132例,伤后发生癫痫5例,发生率为3.8%;Ⅱ级脑外伤114例,伤后发生癫痫9例,发生率8.8%;Ⅲ级脑外伤30例,伤后发生癫痫12例,发生率36.7%。根据头颅CT检查异常146例中,凹
Epilepsy in children with traumatic brain injury is not uncommon, the incidence was 4% to 10%. This article analyzes 276 cases of pediatric craniocerebral injury hospitalized from March 1993 to March 1999, of which 26 cases of epilepsy secondary to epilepsy, now its incidence, degree of injury and the incidence of epilepsy and treatment are discussed. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information The group a total of 276 cases, 198 males and 78 females. Fall injury in 152 cases, car accident injury in 18 cases, hit injury in 36 cases. The youngest 2 years old, maximum 14 years old, average 7.2 years old. 26 cases of secondary epilepsy, 19 males and 7 females, the youngest 2 years old, maximum 13 years old, average 6.4 years old. Four of the children with secondary epilepsy were caesarean, all of whom were in the cesarean section with no history of familial epilepsy and no history of seizures before the injury. According to the results of GCS and head CT examination, 132 cases of grade I brain injury and 5 cases of epilepsy occurred after injury, the incidence rate was 3.8%. There were 114 cases of grade II brain injury and 9 cases of epilepsy after injury, the incidence rate was 8.8% ; Grade Ⅲ brain injury in 30 cases, 12 cases of epilepsy occurred after injury, the incidence rate of 36.7%. According to head CT abnormalities in 146 cases, concave