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《误诊》(Error of Judgment)1979年出版,写美国某医院青年医生皮尔逊,目睹该院妇产科主治医生普林斯为了牟取私利,竟以夸大病情的手段诈骗病人,使许多病人的身心健康受到严重摧残,感到极为愤慨,遂挺身而出,冒着可能断送个人美好前途的危险,同普林斯等“医学权威”进行了艰难而顽强的斗争。后来,在皮尔逊的未婚妻、另一名女医生的帮助下,几经周折,终于掌握了普林斯残害病人的确凿证据,揭穿了这个医学败类的丑恶面目。这部小说虽以医院为背景,但作者巧妙地把一些医学专门知识同描写道德的冲突糅合在一起,读起来不但不感到枯燥,反而悬念频生,引人入胜,因此曾被美国某些评论誉为当年“最佳医学悬念小说”。作者在暴露资本主义社会医学界某些黑暗内幕的同时,着力塑造了一个不畏强暴和富有正义感的青年医生的形象。看起来斗争双方的力量是很悬殊的,但是,小医生最后还是战胜了大“权威”。由此告诉读者,尽管有种种的艰难和曲折,但正义终究是要战胜邪恶的。尽管小说中有些地方似乎有点故弄玄虚,特别是在结尾的处理上显得以侥幸取胜,以致难免冲淡了这场斗争的意义;但总的看,这部作品还是值得一读的。 “Error of Judgment” was published in 1979 and wrote to Peyron, a young doctor in a hospital in the United States. He witnessed the obstetrics and gynecology physician Prince Hospital in order to seek personal gain, he went so far as to exonerate his patients by exaggerating the condition so that many patients’ Health was severely ravaged, feeling extremely indignant, and then came forward with the risk of ruining a good future for the individual, with a difficult and tenacious struggle against Princes and other “medical authorities.” Later, with the help of Pearson’s fiancée and another female doctor, after several twists and turns, finally, he had conclusive evidence of Prince’s assassination of patients and exposed the ugly face of this medical scum. Although the novel is based on a hospital, the author cleverly combines some medical expertise with the description of moral conflicts. When he read it, he not only did not feel boring but suspense frequently and attracted people’s attention. Therefore, he was praised by some U.S. commentary as “ The ”best medical suspense novel“. While exposing some of the dark inside of the medical community in capitalist society, the author worked hard to create an image of a young doctor who is not afraid of rape and sense of justice. It seems that the strength of both sides of the struggle is very poor, but the little doctor finally defeated the big ”authority." This tells the reader that, despite all the hardships and twists and turns, justice ultimately has to overcome evil. Although some places in the novel seem a bit trickier, especially at the end of the deal seems to be lucky to win, so inevitably dilute the significance of the fight; but in general, the work is still worth reading.
《罗伯特家的风波》原名《男人、女人和孩子》(Man,Woman and Child),是西格尔的最新作品,1980年问世后很受读者欢迎,有的评论称赞它“匠心独运”,既令人“躬身自省”,又使人
这位原名萨缪尔·兰亨·克莱曼斯(SamuelLanghorne Clemens)的默默无闻的人,就是以响亮的笔名马克,吐温(Mark Twain1835—1910)蜚声于世而被公认为杰出的大作家。他是一位多