环境危机是人类文明与生物圈承载极限(biospherical limits)之间冲突的结果,其症候表现在气候变化上。文化的适应不良(cultural maladaptation)是气候变化背后的成因,进而导致了资源的匮乏、民众的迁徙、还有暴力冲突。环境危机的解决有赖于全球的变革——一种公民的进步——以达至一种后碳时代的和可持续发展的世界秩序。中国和德国已经准备好去适应受制于生物圈承载极限的生活,而美国无力对这一新的生活愿景承担起充分的责任。这是中德两国趋同的文化和历史缘由引起的。
The environmental crisis is the result of a conflict between human civilization and the biospherical limits of the biosphere, whose symptoms are manifested in climate change. Cultural maladaptation is the cause behind climate change, which in turn leads to lack of resources, migration of people, and violent conflicts. The resolution of the environmental crisis depends on global change - a progress of citizens - in order to reach a post-carbon era and a sustainable world order. China and Germany are ready to adapt to life constrained by the carrying capacity of the biosphere, and the United States can not afford to take full responsibility for this new vision of life. This is caused by the convergence of Chinese and German cultural and historical reasons.