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   Different countries varyn many aspects. The same circumstances may cause people to behave differently to show politeness. The same color may embrace different indications. The same gesture may suggest different meanings. The same kind of cases recur as much often as possible. However, there’s an exception when people of different countries respond consistently.People invariably swarm into shopping malls where goods are at an incredible price reduction. This is out of human nature. Now, let’s have a look at day for shopping spree in China, America and Britain.
   Singles’ Day is a festival popular among young people to celebrate the fact that they are single. The day falls on November 11th because the number “1” looks like an individual that is alone. Later on, the day becomes one of the largest online shopping day in China and even in the world, with the price of goods at a sharp and appealing discount. Therefore, the day before Singles’ Day, a large number of people stay up till 00:00 for fear that their target goods would be snapped up. This year sales in Alibaba’s sites Tmall and Taobao reached a new record high of more than $15billion.
   America:Black Friday
  Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving Day in the United States. The day marks the beginning of Christmas Shopping Season when most major retailers will open very early, recently even during overnight hours. Most non-retailer employers and schools will have both Thanksgiving Day and the Friday off, which, along with the regular weekend, makes a four-day weekend. Black Friday is always described as the busiest shopping day and many shops are on the shortage of stocks.
   Britain:Boxing Day
   The day after Christmas is originally celebrated as Boxing Day in parts of the British Common Wealth when Christmas gifts are traditionally given to servants, known as“Christmas Box”. Nowadays, the Boxing Day has been famous for the goods sold at the lowest price throughout the year. This drives people to go shopping in a crazy way. Many retailers have taken measures to manage large numbers of consumers. For example, they limit entrances by providing tickets to people at the head of the queue.
A Chinese porcelain manufacturing company had won the order to make the official tableware to be used at the British royal wedding of Prince William and Princess Kate Middleton.   Guangxi Sanhuan Gro
父爱是沉静的,它是冷了时候的一杯热水,是热的时候的一把蒲扇,是在你一脸骄傲等待夸奖时一句不痛不痒的问候。但其实,父爱也是热烈的,它如同冬日的暖阳,温暖你,照亮你,给你动力,助你前行。   Recently, a picture of a soaking wet father holding an umbrella for his son in a New York street has been
春节期间,大街小巷都洋溢着节日的欢乐气息。现在同学们或许正在忙着过年:置办年货、包饺子、贴春联、放鞭炮,当然也少不了满口“猪年大吉”“豬年快乐”地走亲戚。那么你知道十二生肖用英语怎么表达吗?一知半解?那就来围观学习一下吧!   “十二生肖”在英语中用“the Chinese Zodiac”表示。“Zodiac”一词来自希腊语“zodiakos”(动物园),在希腊人眼中,星座是由各种不同的动物形成
杞人憂天   In the Spring and Autumn Period, in the State of Qi there was a man who always let his imagination run away with him.   One day he even worried that the sky would fall on his head. He was so
低龄留学趋势在国内愈演愈烈。然而,在出国读高中学生比例节节攀升的背后,还有一个趋势值得关注,那就是,越来越多的小留学生在国外出现“水土不服”,在国外读了一段时间之后又回到国内,以继续升学之路。小留学生为何选择“回流”?家长如何避免出现这种情况?   小留学生频发“水土不服”   留学低龄化在国内已愈演愈烈。数据显示,与2012年相比,2015年在国内读完高中课程再出国读大学的学生比例从61%下
香甜美味的巧克力你愛吗?如果你爱,那你一定不能错过这篇文章。本期我们为大家介绍十大巧克力爱好者的胜地。看完你会想立刻尝一块巧克力解解馋。   Cologne, Germang  The chocolate capital of Germany, Cologne is the home of the Stollwerck chocolate company. For the 150th an ni
Last week was the most extraordinary week in Warren Buffett’s history-but he lived his business life as if this was the most normal time in the world.   As Buffett announced today, he was diagnosed w
Look at this young and rich billionaire, who is one of the richest persons from computerengineering. As of right now, the youngest billionaire in the world is 24-year-old Evan Spiegel, creator of the
“龙”是中华民族的图腾,也是神圣吉祥正义的象征。迄今为止,人们认为龙是以蛇为主体的图腾综合物——它有蛇身、猪头、鹿角、牛耳、羊须、鹰爪和鱼鳞。在远古氏族社会,以蛇为图腾的黄河流域的华夏族战胜了其他氏族,组成了巨大的氏族部落联盟,同时吸收了其他氏族的图腾,组合成龙图腾。  然而在西方,人们认为它是凶恶残忍的动物,传说中的龙尖牙利爪、吞云吐雾、长着翅膀,还拖着一条长长的蛇形尾巴。这与中国的龙在外表和词
在新课程改革的不断推进中,培养学生的创新精神和实践能力成为重要的教学目标。在小学科学教学中,开展实验教学有助于提升学生学习科学的兴趣,增添学习的趣味性,让学生更加积极主动地进行学习,从而取得更好的学习效果,也为今后的分科学习打下基础。这也是实现新课程改革培养具有创新精神和实践能力的劳动者和专业人才要求的重要途径,因而开展小学科学实验教学是十分重要的。  在小学科学的教学中,往往会有许多的困难阻碍着