义和团运动后期 ,以一批江南绅商为主体的社会力量在中外战争状态尚未结束的时候 ,便自行动员大量社会资源 ,深入华北地区来救助因兵灾而流落当地的江南人士。这种跨地域救济兵灾难民的活动是中国历史上从未出现过的。它的发生一方面以江南地区的慈善传统和义赈实践为基础 ,另一方面又借用了西方式公益事业即红十字会的救济模式。正是这种中国地方传统与西方影响的结合 ,展示了中国近代公益事业产生的一个独特途径。
In the late period of the Boxer Rebellion, when a group of southern-style gentry merchants took the lead, the social forces mobilized a large amount of social resources and penetrated into North China to rescue the southern people who fell to the ground due to the disaster so long as the state of the Sino-foreign war was not over. This trans-boundary relief of refugees and refugees has never happened in Chinese history. On the one hand, it is based on the charity tradition in Jiangnan and the practice of volunteer relief. On the other hand, it borrows the relief mode of the Red Cross, a western-style public welfare undertaking. It is this combination of local traditions in China and western influences that demonstrates a unique approach to China’s public welfare undertakings.