第三章 燕赵大平原“圈狼”行动 《左传》一书中记载着春秋时期发生在北方大平原的一次土地崇拜:一天,亡命出逃的晋国公子重耳和侍臣们驱赶着木轮车在旷野上赶路,他们疲劳极了,也饥饿极了。忽然,重耳看到路边黄土地里有一位衣衫褴褛的老农正在锄草,便走上前去乞求道:“给我们弄点吃的东西吧。你一定要帮忙才好,我们已经有好几天没吃饭了。”老农抬眼望了望这个不事稼穑的纨绔儿,从地上捧起一块黄土,说:“这个给你吧!”重耳被激怒了,从车上取下马鞭,要鞭打这位老农。这时,身边的一位老臣劝住了重耳,说:
The third chapter Yanzhao Great Plains “ring wolf” action “Zuo Zhuan,” a book records in the Spring and Autumn Period occurred in the northern plains of a land worship: one day, desperate to flee the Jingui son ear and serve to drive the wooden wheel Hurrying in the wilderness, they were extremely tired and hungry. Suddenly, she saw a ragged farmer on the roadside loess being hoeing and begging: “Give us something to eat. You must help me, and we already have a few The day did not eat. ”Farmer looked up at the eyes of this non-Ji Wan children, picked up a piece of loess from the ground and said:“ This to you! ”Heavy ear was angered, remove the whip from the car, to be flogged The old peasant. At this time, a veteran around advised heavy ear, said: