On January 30, 2006, Mr. Gu Nalan, current head of the IBF, announced the long-awaited reform of the IBF to the world through the Internet and national badminton media through the publication of “Open Letter” aims. After Mr. Gu Na Lan formally took charge of the operation of IBF, the IBF of the new cabinet was in fact under unprecedented pressure. With the centrifugal force from European countries externally, the IBF questioned the increasing authority of the IBF. With the help of Britain, Denmark, the Netherlands, Some countries, such as Germany, are plotting to create an “Intercontinental League” independent of the IBF. Many new councilors put forward various proposals that IBF must reform. All these mixed proposals fiercely debated the development direction of IBF. In conclusion, Mr. Gu Naran has felt the unprecedented pressure. When the new year approaching, the new cabinet’s IBF agency looks forward to a new act, determined to safeguard badminton in today’s international sports field status, the specific goal of the clear choice of two, one is to let Badminton sports remain in the Olympic Sports Family, the second is to promote badminton to become the world’s first racket. The importance and necessity of these goals are related to the future destiny of badminton. The well-known lines quoting the phrase “Is it survival or destruction?” Are ideal for reading Mr. Gu Naran’s letter. Of course, people who know the international badminton sport know better - “what’s important is not what he says but what he does!” The new goal of IBF Grand Lañana, who wishes to assume his new role in the new years, can be achieved .