重视差生转化 搞好农村初中语文教学

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义务教育法实施以后,小学毕业生全部免试升入初中,同时也取消了留级制度.由于教学质量督查未能跟上,农村初中教学班内出现了好、中、差生比例倒挂,甚至认知缓慢或木讷式学生所占比例有日益增大的趋势.由此,探索与之适应的教育途径与教法,重视差生转化便成为搞好初中语文教学的关键.笔者拟就教学中曾作过的一些有益尝试略作小结.以抛砖引玉,冀与同行切磋.一、着眼差生,培养学风.入学摸底考试后,将好、中、差生均匀编班.笔者在接受教学任务后,就着眼差生的转化,以利于良好班风、学风的形成.首先,排座位时,让差生坐前面.这样教师可直接看到差生的笔记、注意力、神情、作业情况,直接了解差生哪里,及时得到信息反馈,有利于老师作针对性补差补缺.其次,在教学过程中给差生做到“五多”.即多回答问题.这不仅能促进差生的思维,还有利于教师发现问题.多板演.差生接受知识慢,汉宇书写不规范,行款格式不合要求,差生板演后教师再示范板演,有利于其逐步提高文字书写能力.作业多面批.当面给差生批作业,边批边指出错误之处.再当面指导订正,直至做对为止.多给鼓励性批语,差生学习成绩无论是进步了还是没进步,教师都针对实际在作业本上写些鼓励性批语.如“你现在进步了”、“你是不怕困难的人”、“贵在坚持”、“这道 After the compulsory education law was implemented, all primary school graduates were exempted from entering the junior high school, and the repeater system was also abolished. Due to the failure of teaching quality supervision to catch up, there appeared good, middle and poor students' proportion upside down or even cognition in the rural junior middle school teaching classes The proportion of slow or adolescent-style students has a growing trend.Therefore, to explore and adapt to the education approach and teaching methods, emphasis on poor students become the key to improving junior high school language teaching. Some helpful attempts to make a brief summary to throw light on, Ji and peers to learn .One, focus on poor students, to cultivate style of study .After the entrance examination thoroughly, the good, the poor students uniform class .In the teaching task, I focus on poor students Transformation, in order to facilitate the formation of a good class style, style of study .First, the row seat, so poor students sitting in front of .This teachers can directly see the poor students notes, attention, work conditions, direct understanding of poor students, timely feedback , Is conducive to the teacher for the purpose of making up for the deficiencies.Secondly, in the teaching process to poor students to do “more than five.” That is, to answer the question.This can not only promote poor thinking, but also conducive to teachers The problem is now. Multi-board speech Poor students to accept knowledge, Han-writing is not standardized, the line format does not meet the requirements, bad board after the demonstration board teacher demonstration, help it gradually improve writing skills. Batch assignments, while criticizing the side pointed out the wrong place, then face-to-face guidance to correct until done so far. To encourage the approval of comments, poor students academic progress, whether progress or not, teachers are practical for the operation of the write some encouraging Such as “you are improving now,” “you are not afraid of people,” “you are insisting,” "this road
中华五旬,红旗飘扬,光辉灿烂。忆百年沧桑,清朝衰弱,鸦烟炮舰,外夷忧患。阳光普照,国家强盛, Chinese Pentecost, the red flag waving, brilliant. Recalling the vicissi